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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Guess all that hard work yesterday is payin’ off for ya! A day of PLAY! YAY! Hope it works that way for ME tomorrow! 😉

  2. And you left without me? Shame shame shame! I seriously want to be near some water and you are definitely in paradise. I hope you had a wonderful time!

  3. That is a beautiful shot. Enjoy your swimming/ snorkelling.

    And re: your comment on my blog: “ I have photos of OC’s last photo gig taken by some crazy woman who was hanging upside down off the balcony …..”

    Can we PLEASE have more details? A blog post, perhaps?

  4. Oh boy! I can’t wait for you to share your stories. I am sure you will be much more coordinated than I was. It took me forever to learn the whole breathing through my mouth thing because I can’t stand to breath thru my mouth.
    Stories and pictures and much needed rest for Quilly……Lord surround her with much blessing.

  5. Nice image today. I’m so jealous. Snorkeling in Hawaii. It doesn’t really get too much better than that now does it?

  6. Melli — I hope you are out having fun!

    Hope — we did! OC has a bit of a burn on his back because he didn’t sunscreen (but insisted on sunscreening ME!), but mostly we had a fun day. Photos to follow.

    Haley — if you aren’t in the car when it starts to roll, you get left behind.

    Dr. John — I know you are tired of photos, but I am happy to be busy and living my life!

    David — in the works.

    Carletta — I bought an underwater camera. I have to wait for “developments” to see how the photos come out.

    JD — I had a blast. When I get better at it and they let me out of the kiddie pool, I hope to see more ….

    Betty — thank you.

    Gattina — I took the photo for Project Looking Up, and really like it, but it didn’t make the top ten ….

    Jules — thank you. We snorkeled. Then we went downtown and visited some history. Then we went to Waikiki and had dinner. It was a blessing and your prayer was appreciated.

    Robert — it was wonderful!

    Mar — indeed!

    Bill — Hi!

    Horsoon — thank you!

    Shelly — Ginger. I never knew there were so many kinds of ginger plants, or ginger flowers, until I moved to Hawaii.

    Juliana — I did!

  7. Daryl — I never thought I’d be able to visit here. Now I LIVE here. I still can’t afford it, but what the heck ….

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