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Six Word Saturday

Cate hosts SWS. Pop on over to her blog, grab the code and play along. It’s easy, all you have to do is describe the current state of your life — in exactly 6 words!

Concert and dinner with my love.

The Oahu Civic Orchestra* had a concert tonight.  They played at the Mililani Towne Center.  Sorry no audio or video — it isn’t allowed. 🙁  But the Orchestra sounded great and Amoeba did an outstanding job on his solo in Chanson du Toreador from Carmen Suite No. 2.  When he was finished I clapped and cheered — of course so did all the rest of the crowd, but I am sure I was loudest and proudest!  I love my Trumpet Man!

* Check out the fabulous header pic on the Oahu Civic Orchestra website.  On the top right side you will see that the photographer cut my Amoeba off at the knees, literally!


    1. Bill — “the time of my life” might be exaggerating a bit. It was, after all an outdoor concert at the mall, but I was very proud of Amoeba because I know how hard he practiced for this concert.

    1. Jim — I hope you left him a comment. He gets lonely over there sometimes. Amoeba belongs to the Oahu Civic Orchestra, the Honolulu Concert Band, the Thursday Night Jazz Band and still finds time for church choir plus works 8-12 hours per day. I have dinner with him a couple nights per week and usually get to see him for a few minutes each morning and evening.

  1. Those trumpet men are really sexy aren’t they? My son plays but at almost 13, he plays trumpet because it’s the “coolest” instrument. The sexy part will be important later…

    Congratulations to Amoeba for blessing the folks with another fine evening of music!
    .-= Southlakesmom´s last blog ..Blessings Friday #1 =-.

    1. Carletta – -thanks. When you hit that deck don’t forget to take your camera! It’s finally cooling down enough here that I am thinking about outside.

    1. Jientje — I don’t know if he’ll have a concert while you are here, but I am certain he will have band practice at least 3 times and church once!

    1. Melissa — well, he’s in the band and I’m in the audience so that sort of cuts down on the romance, but the restaurant was nice and we did some hand holding.

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