55 Flash Fiction Friday
Flash 55 is hosted by G-Man (Mr. Knowitall). Click the icon below or the link for more information. All you have to do to join in is write a story in exactly 55 words then trip over to G-Man’s blog and let him know you’ve posted your 55.
To improve morale, a mine owner bought a piano for sub-level seven. From there ventilation shafts would carry the music throughout the mine. Unfortunately during installation the winch broke dropping the piano. Upon hearing a scream and a crash, the mine owner demanded, “What was that noise?â€
“I believe,†his foreman answered, “A flat minor.â€
Dr. John is pleased. A groaner from the word go. Well done Q.
Thom — I’ve been thinking about Dr. John a lot lately. I miss him.
Yeah, been thinking about Dr John lately too, mainly as in updating all my links on my blog I just can’t bring myself to get rid of link to Dr John’s blog…
Alastair — me, too. I can’t even bring myself to delete Dr. John’s blog from my feed reader. Silly, I know.
This was terrible!
But in a loving tribute to Dr.John way.
Loved your 55…Really!
Thanks for playing, thanks for the whimsy, and have a Kick Ass Week-End!
G-Man — I wrote a half-dozen of these and had my love read them. When he told me they were terrible, I knew they were perfect!
Ahh now we know the streak running through Quilly – a dissonant note???
Nice 55
Have a great Weekend my friend
Moonie smiles
Moondust Writer — thanks for the pun! They make me happy!
That was A sharp one.
Tony — thanks for the chuckle!
haha…too funny….fabulous 55 word play…
Brian — thanx!
oh no! do we cry, laugh, or groan? all three i think
Lime — yep! And it’s like music to my ears!
That’s pretty good punning, Quilly.
Thanx, Doug. I think you’re going to enjoy the next several Fridays. I have 4 more and Amoeba says they are all really bad.
Oh, Quilly!
Oh, Mama!
UGH! Talk about a GROANER! Oh good heavens…. LOL!
Melli — I couldn’t help it. I’ve been missing Dr. John.
I agree with Thom – Dr. John would have loved this and so do I!
Akelamalu — then you’re going to love the next few Fridays, too!
LOL!!! Oh, that’s just awful.
Alice Audrey — sure enough. Thanx!
a flat minor – soooo good!!!
Claudi — darn! I was going for baaad!
Just a NOTE to say I love it! You certainly have discovered the KEY to fun puns!
Linda — we all seem to be singing the same tune!
i, too, was immediately reminded of dr. john. which means it must have hit the right chord
Polona, I am just glad that everybody is in accord.
Nothing better than a 55 with a punch-line! Funny stuff, Quily!
Thanx, Eric!
Loved it!
ha ha ha! I laughed out loud at that, didn’t see it coming, or falling flat, which this did not!
and appropriate to the times……
Did you hear the one about the man who walked into the bar…..
he said “ouch”.
have a great weekend!
Dianne — LOL! I can’t believe this, but that was worse than mine!
LOL! An oldy but a goody. Excellent job, getting it all down in 55 words!
Just Me — I did indeed take an old one-liner and refashion it into a story. My inspiration stems from a wonderful man named Dr. John who used to write stuff like this himself before he passed away.
LOL! I saw a shortened version of this on a list of “groaners” some time back, but I like this expanded version.
Barbara — I got the punchline from a one liner and wrote the story to “flesh” it out. I have a couple more based on other one-liners you’ll be seeing on future Fridays.
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