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Bling Fling Jewelry Giveaway ~ Day 1

Quilly is giving away a quality piece of jewelry and you want to win it!  The rules are here.

I know you’re wondering why I am hosting another giveaway right here at the end of The 12 Days of Christmas, Island style — it’s like this: I was on Craig’s List yesterday and I saw that Thom had all of your prizes up for sale. (I told you I was going to tell on you, Thom!) I figure I needed some way to distract you while I tried to replicate the packages. Thing is, I’m not going to be in Hawaii until the end of January so I can’t get some of the stuff. And when I was trying to think of something to do, I decided another giveaway was in order. 😉

Now, on to the reason we’re here:


Day One: Take yourself off the the Max and Chloe online Jewelry store.  Put your thinking cap on and poke around a bit.  They’ve got some gorgeous jewelry.  You might even find yourself writing to Santa with your own special request.

Official Clue:  The giveaway items sell for $45.00


  1. And here I offered to take those prizes off Thom’s hands for nothing more than the cost of postage (his cost… I’m broke). Sheesh.

    Off to poke around the shop…

  2. Q dear, you might want to link back to the post with the guidelines (when to guess, how to guess, etc.). I think Betty didn’t see it.

    I’m narrowing my choices. 😉

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