Bobble Head
Apparently it is time to make an appoinment with my optometrist. I focus by shifting my gaze from lens to bifocal and moving myself back and forth until whatever I want to see comes into view. This needs to stop before somebody decides I’d look cute on the dashboard of their car …..
lol! tou’dpossibly look cuter still dangling on the rear view mirror. Love your short and ‘subtle’ posts
If this is your subtle way of telling me I am often long winded — well done.
maybe you can convince people your listening to your own inner music… just bobbing along..
well when you drive you have to focus up + down, left + right, oops and don’t forget the rearview mirror see what’s behind. Laters Q
In this city I am always busy driving for myself and the other guy. Kind of makes me giggle. When I lived in small town Idaho driving in Spokane (WA) frightened me. Sometimes I marvel thinking, “Look at me now!”
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