Oh My Gosh!
Every week Belle of the Brawl has a Tell Me Tuesday picture captioning contest. This week I have made it into the finals. I know your fingers are tired from all the clicking you’ve done here — but run over there and vote for me anyway!
I suppose that some of you may begrudge me this. You are likely thinking, “Why should I vote for her when she’s already won so many cool prizes?” Okay. I know I won the awesome magnet made to look like the header of my own beloved blog in Dr. John’s Blog Commenting Marathon; and I know I won the only money prize in Justin’s Concept of Irony contest (in the tradition of true irony the second place winner is the only one who earned a prize of tangible value); but that does not mean that I don’t deserve to win again — and you my friends can help me.
Go vote!
Oh! And remember, don’t even read the other entries. Mine’s the best. Trust me.
Hmmm, that reminds me of the Liar’s Contest — Betty, Lori’s Mother-in-law, has been working her fingers to the bone to see that Lori wins. Donna is abusing herself and a couple of her friends to keep up. We’ll just have to call this battle: The Duel of the Pastor’s Wives. The two of them pretty much have 1st and 2nd place sewn up unless someone makes a surprise — and heroic — comeback. However, 3rd place is still up for grabs.
Nessa, aka Goldennib, has brought it to my attention that certificates and band-aids are not enough compensation for all this clicking. She wants pain killers, too. I am sorry, Nessa. I am not licensed to dispense drugs through the mail — or any other way for that matter.
Okay, I’ve voted for you – 3 times. LOL I’m getting really good at that multiple voting thing.
Speaking of which, I have only voted for myself 2ce today and that was just to see where the polls were. I have been getting a few votes but my guess is that my friend in AR is doing the voting today.
Congratulations on making the finals, and may I say, kudos on the excellent display of shameless promotion, Quilldancer!
You are a story teller in real life, virtual story tellers are a dime a dozen… Yeah, I keep supplying the dimes.
Congrats!!!! I excited for you.
I voted for your caption at Belle of the Brawl
All of you killer clickers need to go there and voted for Quilly with as much enthusiam as you used to vote here.
My Firefox is not refreshing sites. Does anyone know why? This is a pain and I already have a hurt finger, wrist and arm. I don’t need more pain.
I’ve just been and voted and your leading 28 to 12. I remember when your Liar’s Contest was as simple as that and look at it now.
OK I went there and voted for you like 10 times. The first time I went there the polls weren’t up so I meandered through the site in desultory fashion wondering what to do.
Oh well…
Event hough I am in agony from muy botched attempt to boost Jenn’s numbers here (‘cuse I love her) I love you, too, so I did some boosting at the caption contest.
Quilly and Nessa: Mwah mwah. I love you both. I do, I do!
I’d like to donate the votes that I have received to charity or to Dr. John so he can stay in the race. Since, I’m no longer a contender for liar in training, I feel it only right to tell you that my name is not really Sarah.
Sarah — who are you? And are any of us really who we claim to be?
I claim to be myself. An exaggeration if not an actual lie.
My real name is not bazza27 that would be silly. Neither is it Basil Dray, but that’s another story.
So we lifted you to first place and an eleven point lead. Now your on your own.
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