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Record Low Temps

I have a house guest come to visit me in Las Vegas, the land of sun and fun — Murphy, he of Murphy’s Law — came with. The last couple of days there has been very little sun. This morning we woke to frozen pipes. No showers. No teeth brushing. Nada. We went out to breakfast — not so much for the food, but for the toilet flushing.

Tonight the pipes are wrapped, and the furthest faucet from the water main has been left to drip. Showers are mandatory before noon tomorrow. We have to be at the church by eight.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Hi Quill

    Sorry to hear your pipes froze, I didn’t think Vegas got that cold. Hopefully your pipes will be thawed out for Sunday.

    Here’s keeping a good thought

    PS, I got a new toy, you can read all about it on the old blog

  2. Sorry to here about your frozen pipes and all. Did your house guest come over north central Idaho as well? We are sitting at a balmy 10 degrees and this morning when I woke up we were sitting at 2.

    Hope things get better!

  3. Ah Quilly, frozen pipes are the absolute worst! You just hang on to old Mr. Murphy though, he was a terrible house guest and I’m happy to have gotten rid of him.

  4. Glad to hear you’re staying warm during the cold snap, little sister! 🙂 We are predicted to have lows in the upper 20’s, for three days, as this cold snap goes through – I came to the desert for this!?!?!

  5. As one who has had to take a hairdryer to frozen pipes on occasion you have my sympathies. Where is Global Warming when you need it, eh?

  6. The pipes froze but didn’t burst? Hmmm, me thinks Murphy spared you some of the worst. Hairdryers are okay for pipes. Torches (propane, etc.) are not! Take that from the son of a Canadian firefighter. Every year somebody tries to get their water back and ends up loosing the whole house.

    I hope everything stays flowing during your burst of winter.

  7. upside down world, it seems.
    we’re supposed to have the temperatures you’re describing and yet we have balmy 10c.
    hope you keep warm.

  8. Wow what an experience for you. the weather has always been a rather safe subject in the past. Now we are all waiting for the other shoe to drop! Hope you are toasty warm and clean water is flowing. The things we take for granted. Love from New England! By the way you moved and never asked to to help you box. I’ve had years of moving experience and ironically managed to stay in the very same spot! lol

  9. Wow! Fr5ozen pipes in Vegas. i didn’t think that was possible. We used to get frozen pipes in Crystal every once in a while. The drain pipe from th ekitchen would freeze and then the kitchen sink would back up. But In Vegas the sun will shine and it will be warm again soon.

  10. CB – better put some extra blankets in your guest room tonight, suppose to freeze again. And leave the cupboard doors open under the sinks! xoxo

  11. bummer! been there/had those frozen pipes/was forced to forego flushing toilets for a couple of days. no fun — but somehow, i suspect you and your houseguest are doing just fine (at least i sure hope so!)

    lovelovelove the new blog/site — i’m off to change your “address” on my blogroll. here’s hoping the sun thaws everything out in time for you to give your “friend” a proper tour of the glory that is… Las Vegas! (the Hoover Dam has always been one of my favorite places to see, and Lake Mead is as grand a place to water-ski as any i’ve ever been on!) xox

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhh boy! Fun fun fun!!! Quilly, I dO feel for ya! We live in the country – with a well… and thus a pump… that goes out when the power goes out… and so… I KNOW of non-flushing toilets! And non-running water. I absolutely hate it when that happens! I would offer you my shower … but it might be a bit of a trek. I DO hope by NOW yours is working!!! Or that you sat in the BACK at church today!!!

  13. All thanks, the pipes thawed by 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Since then they have been wrapped and a tap’s been left running. We are flush again.

    Kat — Murphy has left the house …

    Doug — uhm … not comment.

    OC — Maine to warm up? Can you say, ice storm?

    Cindra — thanks, but the trip would take longer than the stay.

    Jackie — I’ll make certain my guest has plenty of blankets.

  14. Oh Lord, you’re freezing and we’re warm here….it’s usually about 20 here in January (Pennsylvania) and we had 62 yesterday!!! I think the 20’s is coming about mid week tho :/

  15. Hi Quilly! Finally made it over here to see your new home- looks good! I’ll have to run home and change my link to you, which I’ll have lots of time to do today since I’m home from work unexpectedly.

  16. Hi, Quilly, nice new digs. The world’s upside-down lately, weather-wise. Hope yours is back to normal soon.

  17. I like your new page…I did get lost from your ther page but now I am finally here. Sorry about the frozen pipes. We are in our first snow storm for this winter season.

  18. DaBich — the sun is shining. The pipes are thawed and I am warm inside.

    Cindy — welcome! And don’t be a stranger!

    Al — thanks — and safe trip.

    Lori — welcome! Go out and enjoy that first snow with your kids.

  19. A friend in California had to wrap his pipes too. To which I said…oh…uhm *cough* never mind.

    Where was I? There’s something really wrong about pipes freezing in Vegas. I’ve never had my pipes freeze and it gets to -40 up here sometimes *sobs sadly into hands*

    Opted against logging out of this name because I’m lazy, and really, it’s all about the sparkly lips.

    I have delurked! Do I get a prize now?


  20. Hey Quill

    I hope Monday turned into a better day. Oh if you are interested and you want to see what an Old Fart looks like, visit my old Blog


  21. there’s nothing worse than having to deal with the cold when you’re not ready for it.

    at least here we expect real winter. you guys must really struggle.

  22. Jenna! Welcome! Your prize is my bright, shinning smile. I’m happy to see you here.

    My pipes are safely wrapped in plastic and shielded by cardboard — not to mention that I leave the kitchen faucet dripping after the sun goes down.

    Bill — I’ll be by in a bit.

    Kyah — the good news is, I’m an Idaho girl transplanted into this desert. As much as I joke about hating cold, I do know how to live with it.

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