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Brain Dead

If anything exciting happened today I didn’t notice it. Of the 125 fifth grade students who passed through my class today, not one said anything worth noting. Blah weather. Blah day. Blah kids.

Exhausted teacher. I am going to try to get some sleep tonight. Last night I had very strange dreams which included me picking up tractor trailers (18 wheelers) single-handedly to clear traffic. Not that I’m feeling particularly stressed about anything — like the 125 ungraded poems on my desk. Well, only 75. I did get 50 done today before my brain melted.

Maybe tomorrow I will be entertaining. Pft.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. I hope your day goes better tomorrow, at least you don’t have Stress Tests and EKG’s like I have to have. My Doctor gave me the good news today, on top of having to save a $200.00 per month account because the ball was previously dropped four times.

    Lets hope our days are better tomorrow

  2. I can’t imagine surviving reading 5 student poems, Q. Never mind 75. Reading 5 poems from (so-called) professionals is bad enough. Definitely a combat pay item.


  3. Ahhhhhh Quilly… ya know… it’s a blog… not a job! You don’t have to be “on” every day — we’ll still love you!

  4. Bill — I had the stress tests and EKGs in February. I have them every year. Those don’t stress me — well, the chemical heart test two years ago did. That one was particularly nasty. They rest are routine.

    OC — with the kids poems, I just follow the grading rubric and don’t stress much about word choice or meaning. Plus, keeping in mind that they are only ten really helps!

    Melli — if I don’t post at least a note about why I’m not posting, my email box overflows from folk who think I must have died because I always post every day! This is just easier! (I am not complaining tabout the folks who care about me.)

    Morgan — I did. No semi moving in my dreams last night. Thanks.

  5. Bill — the tests really are routine. My insurance comapny insists on them because I sufer from sleep apnea. Heart trouble is a common side effect. My heart is strong and healthy. The doc tells me so every year.

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