Stay Tuned For Mayhem!
Tomorrow I am giving my students Wasabi Peas to taste and design advertisements for. They can write taglines and do art, while I sit at my desk and do report cards.
I don’t know how much work I’ll actually get done because I want to watch the fun and listen to the conversations. If anything good comes out of this you know I’ll share.
Quilly… have good intentions. Be good to yourself, so that you can be good to the kids later. But, you know kids! ***giggles*** What if they spit out the peas and hand you a paper full of dots with “Yucky” written on it? That would take 5 minutes. Of course, I jest. Good luck…..but, most of all I wish you peace and quiet and TIME……….Judy
From where do you get these strange foods?
Judy — there won’t be any kids later! Six more days of school, and three of them are half days! Yay! Report carsds have to be in to the administrators by Friday at 3:30 p.m.; Monday afternoon we have the Annual 5th grade barbecue; June 6th at 10 a.m. we have the 5th grade Culmunation Ceremony; July 7th at 11:35 a.m. we kiss them all good-bye and toss them out; June 8th I turn in my keys and leave forever ….
I guess I’d better buy Kleenex.
Judy — Wasabi peas come right out of the Asian Foods section of my local grocery store. They are one of my favorite crunchies. Try them!
Mmmm. Yummy. I hope you introduced them to pomegranates this last winter. My fifth grade teacher did that, and I’ve been a fan ever since.
sounds like fun save the record cards
WOW! You’ve made it! A month or two ago, you thought this week would never come. ***HURRAY***CHEERS***JUMPING FOR JOY***CHAMPAGNE***GIGGLES***FREEDOM***
Enjoy the week!!!…………Judy
That sounds like fun. Boy you can tell school’s almost out.
I am glad I am not a teacher, I would give everyone an A and make the art project with them!
Mine would be to make them peas look like Chinese checkers! (Are they round?????….just guessing here).
Never mind their eating get those report cards done. You will feel better, On the other hand we won’t get to hear any funny stories about the eating but better you get a rest than we get a laugh.
Brig — pomegrantes grow in yards around here, so the kids already know them.
Polona — record casrds have been sent to the computer lab for printing on school letter head.
Judy — it aint over until the fat lady turns in her keys and walks away ….
Doug — my class is fun from day 1 to day 179. On day 180 we all cry.
Lori — the gradebook is closed. This project is pure fun.
Dr. John — I have all summer to rest — between packing and moving.
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