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More Good-byes

I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch yesterday — but I have so much to do for today’s yard sale (which I am still not ready for so why am I here typing to you?) I called and asked her if we could bump the date to Monday. She said no, that she was leaving town Monday morning, and wouldn’t be back until after I’d left. Since she has been a very good friend all these years I did want to see her — so I agreed to keep our set date.

We arrived at the restaurant at the same time. The waitress asked how many people would be eating and Jamie said, “Six or seven.” I was surprised. I had already been to several lunches with different people from school and Jamie had said she wanted to have a lunch for ‘just the two of us.” I reminded her of that. She flashed me her 100 watt smile and said, “So. I lied.”

We all had a wonderful time laughing and chatting and eating way too many chips with salsa. The drinks were iced tea and/or water. No alcohol. We chatted for four hours. We might have left sooner but our waiter was so surly, how could we leave him?

As the party came to a close I was given an envelope. Jamie said that she knew I didn’t want any presents, but just the same, my friends had wanted to give me gifts. Inside the envelope was a card signed by 20 or so of my coworkers. Inside the card was a receipt — for a deposit placed into my savings account at the bank.

I have good friends.

I will miss them.

10:10 a.m. Yard Sale Update:

It is 90F.

I have made one sale. $5.00


1:52 p.m. Yard Sale Update:

It is 100F.

I have a $57.00 profit from my yard sale. I would have $62.00, but I gave the first $5.00 to my 10 year-old helper. A bit of good news, most of the money came from the sale of my huge oak and glass coffee table. I am so glad I will not have to carry that monster back into the house tonight.

Another bit of good news, the little bits and pieces of my life have value on eBay!

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Good friends make life’s journey so much more pleasant, you are blessed.
    Let me know how the yard sale goes, I tried that once. It can be fascinating witnessing the visitors as they glance somewhat at our life. Deciding what treasures worthy enough to add to their own XXX OOO

  2. *sigh* That’s a huge move! How wonderful for you to go to live in such a beautiful place.

    Good luck with the yard sale. I’ve never done one for my own stuff, but for the last 17 years I have run our church yard sale. We sell TONS of stuff. But there’s always more LEFT OVER than sold.

    I say price it to sell. I’d rather sell it for any price than pack it up afterwards. How ’bout “Everything you can put in a grocery bag for $1.00.”

  3. it’s nice to have good friends.

    sorry the sale doesn’t go too well and wish you luck.

  4. TLP — what won’t sell, I’m giving away or tossing out. I’m not looking to get rich, I am looking to get free!

    Polona — I didnt advertize. I didn’t put up signs. I just stuck it in the yard — and I live in a Cul de Sac, so I’m pretty lucky I’m getting anything at all. On-the-other-hand my eBay sales are going well, and I don’t have to leave my air conditioned kitchen for that.

  5. That was really sweet of your friends. You have some really good ones. 🙂

    Good luck with selling the rest of the stuff…not bad for no advertisements or anything…if you have advertised…I bet people would have been waiting since the crack of dawn…least that’s how it is here.

  6. Silverneurotic — people don’t often come into this neigborhood willingly unless they already live here. Something about the outside makes folks passing by not want to look too carefully at the inside.

    As my friends and I discussed yesterday at lunch, I have to live in one of the safest neighborhoods in town, the cops are always here. They also said I should use the money they gave me to buy a flashing blue light when I move to Hawaii so I can turn it on when it’s too dark and too quiet for me to sleep.

  7. What lovely friends you have. I hope you keep in touch with them.

    At least you managed to get rid of some of your stuff at the sale.

    And I’m laughing about the flashing blue light comment (but wondering if it will indeed be missed?!).

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