Pocket Change
I’ve been saving my pocket change for three years. I’d just clean out my pockets and my purse every few days and pitch the money in a bucket — yep, a bucket. I took all those wonderous coins to the bank. I had to make three trips because they were to heavy to carry in one. I had almost $400.00. That’s not a bad chunk of change.
We’ve got a jar for this, although it gets raided for toll roads and parking meters, so it wouldn’t have anywhere near the amount your bucket had. $400 is pretty good! That should feed you for a few weeks! 🙂
I love saving my change. A couple of years ago, I used my change for a plane ticket, gas, tolls and hotels to bring my daughter back home from her Denver adventure. But not cashing my change in for years at a time makes my husband nuts.
Thank God you cashed it in the weight would not be appropriate for the plane take off 🙂
I have a big pickle jar I toss mine in … it’s about half full right now. I’m savin’ it for a rainy day! Whatcha gonna DO with all that pocket change?
I’m unable to save my pocket change I can find places for it to go. It was good you are able to save the change, if I started to save the change I’d be forever raiding it.
Now think about all the Pizza you can buy OC.
that’s quite a useful amount. nice!
I bet they though you won on a slot machine.
Mumma — out here in the wild west we just tie our horses up at the rail — and dirt roads don’t have tolls.
Nessa — this is the best I’ve ever done saving it. Having all those jobs helped, a paycheck every week made it pretty easy to not have to dig for coins.
Brig — yep.
Pauline — I never could have walked the concourse with it anyway.
Melli — uhm, I’m driving 1800 miles, staying in the Seattle Area for 7 weeks, then moving to Hawaii. Somewhere in there, it’ll get spent on something.
Bill — see my cooment to Brig. I had no reason to spend it.
Polona — those pennies add up!
Dr. John — Dr. John, I hate to break it to you, but slot machines don’t give out coins any more. Lights flash, loud music plays, and a little receipt pops out of a slot. Tear it off and take it to the cashier.
cool, i started half a year ago and I have two piggies full now…I wonder if that´ll buy me a nice par of boots for teh winter over here 😉
Wow! Shopping money, woohoo!
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