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My Sisters: Laurel & Hardy

Jackie, my sister who blogs, and Caryl, my sister who doesn’t blog, are a great comedy team.  Fun to watch, but somewhat difficult to interact with. Picture me watching this conversation like a tennis match ….

Jackie:  Caryl, you’re over-watering.  Everywhere I dug in the garden, the holes filled up with water.

Caryl: I only water for a half an hour every day.

Jackie:  That’s too much.  Turn off two days and only water every third day.

Caryl: you fix it.  Make it water for 15 minutes every day.

Jackie: to get strong roots you need to water deep, but not too often.  Turn off two days and only water every third day.

Caryl:  Okay.  You can program the timer.  But I still need it to water for 15 minutes every day in my flower garden, so don’t change number 5.

Jackie: Okay, don’t change number 5 and everything else is every third day.

Caryl: number five has to run every day.

Jackie: yes.  And everything else?

Caryl: fifteen minutes every day.

Jackie: you want me to go program all the sprinklers for fifteen minutes every day except number 5?

Caryl: No.

Jackie:  Okay.  What do you want?

Caryl:  I want everything programmed for 15 minutes every day, except number five.

I cracked up laughing.

Jackie (to me):  It’s okay.  We do this all the time. We’ll get it sorted out.

Me: Just go program the sprinklers however you think is best.

Jackie said:  I should, then she can just yell at me when she doesn’t like it.

Caryl:  Yes.  Do that and I will yell at you later to fix it right.

Jackie:  Okay.  Fifteen minutes every day, except number five?

Caryl: No.  You said I shouldn’t water every day.

Jackie:  Okay.  Then what do you want?

Caryl: fifteen minutes every day, except number five.

Jackie: All righty then! (and she gets up and goes outside.)

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Oh, my God, CB – I cannot believe that you remembered that almost word for word! LOL (something that OTHER sister NEVER seems to be able to do!)

  2. I see that my mom and other aunt are still as funny together as always… Do I have to admit to being related to the 3 of you? Love you.

  3. Funny…..let us know what she did.

    I was catching up on yor posts and read the story of the homeless man…..WOW!

    You done good, Quilly, you done good.

  4. Thanks for sharing your smile, sounds like a wonderful family visit. Yes, you should try to video this it would be hilarious…

  5. You did it again. This week’s priceless prize is yours as well. Please check in either accept it or pick a door. I promise to mail both prizes tomorrow.

  6. Jackie — somethings are impossible to forget no matter how hard one tries.

    TLP — they are better then TV.

    Brooke — we went to Peking Palace without you. Neener, neener, neener.

    Dr. John — oh no, three or four people talking at once on different tangents is family conversation at it’s best.

    Polona — we should sell tickets.

    Mumma — strange conversations do seem to belong to families universal.

    Lori — Jackie never explained what she did, so Caryl thinks she didn’t do anything.

    Doug — Jackie listens — mostly — Caryl, not so much.

    Bazza — welcome to the family.

    Pauline — I would never survive to share it.

    Dr. John — how can I possibly be winning when I’ve not had time to comment?!

    Nessa — take mine. Please.

  7. As an only child I never had these exchanges, but sometime I almost roll on the floor with my son and daughter 15 and 13. Your story cracks me up and I enjoyed thouroughly your site

  8. Kat — I am the youngest, too — by a decade. Older sisters are bossy and pushy and … older.
    Jeremy — welcome! Come back again sometime when you can stay longer.

  9. Glad to see you’re with your sisters. That was an interesting dialog, I only have one. My cell rings whenever she has a question. We have had interesting dialog too. LOL

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