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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. You look like you are enjoying your visit in Spokane, you have a special family.

    In reply to your comment on my blog, like all new toys the novelty soon wears off, especially when one needs to go to bed to get up early for work the next day.

    I bought a new toy today that Haimish and Alexander are enjoying very much. Pictures to follow on my blog as soon as I get a chance to share.

    Today I brought home that Futon I kept meaning to get after I took the poor old Hide~A~Bed to the landfill oh so many months ago.

    Enjoy your stay in Spokane.

    Blessing my friend


  2. I love the pictures, to see and compare, then and now. You look like you have barrels of fun when you are together.

  3. I love both of these pics and I love all of you. But has mom yelled at you yet for putting the 1st picture on here yet? lol

  4. Caryl — you may be slightly prejudice.

    Bill — Spokane was great. Friday HArbor is breath-taking.

    Venus — and new ones …

    Nessa — Jackie’s husband, T, was snapping our photos and moving us around — we kept right on chattering.

    Doug — hello, to you, too.

    Brig — why thank you!

    TLP — yeah, much!

    Lori — thank you.

    Kat — TLP is funny. Right now I am in Friday Harbor, Washington and will be until mid-August. My sisters may visit. They want a look at this “internet” man before I run off to Hawaii with him.

    Brooke — Jackie didn’t mind the pic at all. I hear Caryl took offense on Jackie’s behalf.

    Polona — we did miss our brother, though.

    Dr. John — very diplomatic!

    Donna — gracias!

    Alastair — nah, we’re just as fuzzy as ever — we just have a better photographer now.

    Pauline — thanks — you’d probably fit right in. Come on over!

    Bazza — very smooth. I am impressed (but not dazzled).

  5. Dagnabit! I KNOW I came over here and commented! Well… maybe I came and read and got momentarily distracted and THOUGHT I commented…. *sigh* … and maybe the cat stepped on the power box button again… and I had to start over… and forgot… but … but… but…. I COMMENTED IN MY HEART!

    You four are a LOVELY bunch of ladies! But I WAS kinda wondering if you are EVER there was a picture of the Fabulous Four with everyone’s eyes in the OPEN position? Probly not…. 🙂

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