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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Nessa — maybe not, since they walked right up the stairs to me.

    Pauline — I went searching online and found an ancient recipe:

    Take and flee off the skynne with the fedurs tayle and the nekke, and the hed thereon; then take the skyne with all the fedures, and lay hit on a table abrode; and strawe thereon grounden comyn; then take the pecokke, and roste him, and endore hym with raw yolks of egges; and when he is rosted take hym of, and let hym cool awhile, and take hym and sew hym in his skyn, and gilde his combe, and so serve hym forthe with the last cours.

    XIVth – XVth Century

    Polona – most likely you are right. And I doubt they’d meekly climb into the roaster anyway.

  2. with all the honesty i can muster and with a full heart i thank you for the comment you left to dr. John. if you only knew how it applies to my life and how reading your words made me feel tonight.

    God Bless…and thank you for in being you once again, you have helped another..this time again me…

    i hope i learn the lessons at hand..

    i’m glad you are happy, very glad. much love and so many endless hugs.

  3. Bill — no, but they were about as welcome. I’d just mopped!

    Louisana — one day at a time. And we have to forgive ourselves for the choices we made before we can even begin to forgive others. I am happy, and everyday I thank God for this incredible blessing.

  4. They make wonderful watch dogs……..if you can stand their “scream”, I have a couple in Louisiana, and after I got used to them, I was glad to have them around because I am way out in the country. They sound like a woman screaming for help though… The male is so lovely when he spreads his tailfan.

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