Cemetery Sentinel
The four of them stand at the top of the hill shoulder to shoulder and back to back, watching over the cemetery. Likely they stood just so before the first grave was dug in 1852.

Banyan Tree, Manoa Chinese Cemetery
Quirky Quips & Sewing Snips
The four of them stand at the top of the hill shoulder to shoulder and back to back, watching over the cemetery. Likely they stood just so before the first grave was dug in 1852.
Banyan Tree, Manoa Chinese Cemetery
The furies?
Doug — were the furies Chinese?
I think I’ve seen a tree like that somewhere before.
Banyan trees always look like they should be harboring fairies. I love the twisted detail of their trunks.
Mumma — lol!
Kat — especially this one, because the four trees together leave a “five foot semi-circular “hollow” in the middle that is well protected by the branches and canopy. I would have taken a photo but someone had filled the fairy tree hollow with debris — even in the cemetery.
I was going to ask if you can get inside, but never mind.
oh, it looks spectacular!
Are YOU naming these trees? Or are these their OFFICIAL names? I mean not the Quilly OOFICIAL — but you know – like the OahuFicial names? At ANY rate … you are having tree much fun!!!! (they are awesome!)
Nessa — you can if you want to brave the broken glass, dirty diapers, rusting bicycle wheel and who knows what else. It also looked as though there had been a campfire ring on the ground at one time, though I wouldn’t want to be camping in a cemetery!
Polona — the camera can’t do it justice. It is HUGE!
Melli — I named them Sentinel. Doug said they are the mythological Furies. They are Banyan Trees.
This is a really long time for the trees to be standing guard. 156 years if my foggy head is working correctly. The events in history that happened while they been on earth,
Thank you for sharing
156 is young in tree years, Bill. Ask the redwoods in California — well, the ones that haven’t been cut down.
I have always wondered what trees thought about things. Too bad they can’t really nor can they tell us about what they have been through. There would certainly be som interesting stories.
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