I asked OC to stop at the mail kiosk on the way into our housing complex. He stopped. I got out of the car, walked to the mailbox — and began hopping around like a crazed person and shouting for my camera. I was so excited I muffed most of the photos, but I have been waiting for these since we moved into our condo. Here are the two best, dedicated to Melli.

Peacocks instead of pigeons – you are so lucky. Great shots.
Looks like he found her. 🙂
Diane is always telling me I should be in sports broadcasting.
How’d you manage not to scare them away? Or are they really bold that they don’t get bothered by humans taking their pictures?
Nessa — there are many, many kinds of exotic birds here.
Brian — actually, she left as soon as he folded his plumage.
SN — they are very tame, however, they were also at least 20 yards away. I took these pictures on zoom, then trimmed and blew them up, which is why I only got a couple of borderline decent shots.
*who is grinnin’ ear to ear!* How COOOOOL is that!!! I can’t believe you didn’t scare him away hoppin’ around like that! (((Hugs Quilly!))) Thank you!
wow, what a show-off!
Melli — well, you asked for more tail … wait, that sounds wrong …..
Polona — who? The peacock or me?
Just look at those beautiful feathers! If that lady peacock wasn’t totally enthralled she must be gay.
Very nice Quilly, thank you for sharing Now all you need is the NBC Chimes 🙂
PS I just tried sending you an email to let you know what you are praying for in regards to me and the email bounced back. Can you send me an email to the one I am registering with here and I’ll resend the email
That’s beautiful! We’ve got an albino one here, and though it’s unusual, nothing compares to the normal ones. When I was little, my grandmother’s friend gave me a peacock feather, and I held onto it for years. So pretty. (And such beautiful photos!)
WE did have some geese stop by in the fall but that’s it for birds. You sure are lucky.
Alert and ready with the camera gets the bird. Nice pictures
Kat — as soon as he folded his plumage down she walked away.
Bill — I fixed me email link, thanks!
Brig — share a photo of the albino! Please!
Dr. John — you might reconsider how lucky I am once you see the size of the “presents†they leave!
Betty — ha! And I wanted to get the bird!
It’s living at the zoo. The very next time we go, I promise to take a photo. That could be a while, considering all the snow. lol
Given my pigeon population that migrates through every year, I take great exception to Nessa’s cold remark! Hmpf….
A peacock courtin’ a peahen. Cool. That tiered look is very fancy. Not the usual pose you caught there, Quilly. Very, VERY nice!
just another day in paradise. sigh.
oh, and wow, because… WOW. (really awesome pictures… and yes, i AM jealous, why do you ask??) 😉
Brig — I’ll hold you to that!
Gawpo — thanks. That pose is my favorite!
Neva — not to rub it in, but it’s warm here, too. 🙂
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