Lunch Date
Friday I took the car downtown for an oil change and a minor repair.
While the car was in the shop I wandered about down town on foot.
I found a lovely mall with open air halls and gorgeous landscaping.
I wandered about snapping pictures.
Then I made some new friends over lunch.
The Zebra Dove was a bit shy.
The Spotted Dove was very attentive — to my plate.
The English Sparrows were intent on gathering up my every crumb, even if it meant plucking them from another bird’s beak!
All-in-all it was a charming day.
ah, sparrows are the same the world over, it seems.
nice to hear you had a good time.
Nothing like that ever happens when I go to the mall. I don’t even see flowers. You are so lucky.
Our malls should be so nice. I like the contrast between the sparrow and the dove. The must be a moral in that somewhere.
Polona — and doves are less than bright. The spotted one just stood there and let the sparrows peck the food right from it’s mouth.
Dr. John — this entire island is built to appeal to tourists.
Jill — several. Depends on which way you want to twist the story. Is the sparrow a villain and the dove the victim? Or is the sparrow intelligent and quick, while the dove is clumsy and slow?
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