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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Tell him his brothers and sisters in my lake miss him terribly. He should come for a visit and bring you along with him. (Not the other way around. That would be absurd.)

  2. Polona – well, he was staring intently at a food kiosk across the way and, I believe, calculating his chances of getting to fallen crumbs before the Brazilian Cardinals, Red Vented Bulbas, and Zebra Doves.

    Brig — Ducks who find their way to Hawaii (accidentally — we’re off the flight path) recognize paradise when they find it, and migrate no further.

    Melli — my “free download” photo software doesn’t have such a feature.

  3. OK Quilly did you plunk that duck on the water fountain with photo shop or paint shop pro or some such software. Hey we could always call it McGarrett 😉

    Book em Quill-O

  4. Bill — he and two others were sitting there all on their own. It was a hot day and the fountain was cool. The crudeness of the photo has to do with me over-extending my zoom lens, and my attempts to fix the gaff with photo enhancement software.

  5. Kat — that’s why I took his photo!

    CrazyCath — It was a hot and sticky day and I? so wanted to join him, but there was a bit more algae in the fountain then my shudders could ignore.

  6. We both commented on the same time moments ago over there at David’s Authorblog, so I had to come check where in the world you were coming from. 😉 Good that I came over, I love that duck photo! Such a clever bird. 😉
    Best wishes,

  7. Merisi — welcome! I am not certain how to explain, but my camera has — supposedly — a 4x zoom, and pictures taken up to that point are wonderfully focused, but it will actually extend to 7x. Nothing past 4x focuses, no matter what tricks I try. I don’t know why it was built to over extend itself, because in the passion of shooting photos it doesn’t take much to accidently bump the zoom up a bit too far, and it will focus on the screen, but it doesn’t focus the image it saves. Is that clear as mud?

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