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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Gorgeous!!!
    I can’t grow them either, I got one from my hubby a couple of weeks ago in full bloom, and now there’s only one flower left, they’ve all fallen off!

  2. OH! (just so you’ll be right!) It is gorgeous! And I LOVE the effect you used on it! At first glance I didn’t even realize the rest of the picture was B&W — I was wondering how you got that night-light glow on it! Then I took the hard look! Will we get to see more?

  3. How beautiful. We have a side porch we keep talking about glassing in and, if we ever get around to doing it, I want it FULL of orchids!

  4. Brian — you probably over love them! (See my comment to Jientje, below.)

    Minkydo — thank you.

    Brig — it is an amazing plant.

    Jientje — the flowers don’t last forever and orchids only bloom once per year. Mist the plant (leaves and stem) daily with a spray bottle. Water lightly once per week. It prefers indirect light. Scented blossoms do not last as long as unscented blossoms.

    Mar — thank you.

    Carletta — it was a bit of software wizardry so you wouldn’t see that the flash over exposed the edges of the rear flowers.

    Robert — thanks. I think it came out rather artsy, but see my comment to Carletta, above.

    Baba — I can see the ocean from my living room window and have shared it so many times, I figured it would be [from me] the “expected” O. I love your shots though, especially the pier and pavillion. Where were you when you took that?

    Melli — more? I think I have shared photos of every orchid I own!

    Gattina — we are looking forward to some great photos!

    Judy — just make certain they don’t get too much light! Remember, orchids like shadowy, misty rain forests.

  5. Juliana — I thought it was “arty”.

    Dr. John — yep. Two O’s for twice the oomph!

    Jientje — that wasn’t just any old comment, that was direction from my partner the PhD certified botanist and the real orchid raiser here.

    Cydni — thanks for the photo compliment, but I couldn’t have done it without God’s incredible orchid.

    Andrew — thank you — b&w with color!

    David — nope, it was me, playing with my photo software. About OC’s only interaction with the blogs is reading the nightly poems I leave at your place (which of course means he reads your poems as well).

  6. Wow, that’s gorgeous! What software do you use to do that black & white/color thing?

    I’m still feeling somewhat overwhelmed and not really into blogging so much as usual, but I am getting back into it, haha. I will soon be caught up with posting… then to catch up with all your posts… wow.

  7. Whoof!! I’m all caught up woof my posting letters and piktures. Now I have to come visit all of you and see what you all put fur piktures this week. See you all soon.

  8. Alice — I used Picasa, which is a free software I picked up online. Just Google the name. You’ll find it.

    Reba — I’ll be over soon.

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