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Sky Watch — Reflected Glory

The concept for Sky Watch came from Dot and if you want to join up or to see other Sky Watch photos, please visit Sky Watch, a dedicated site for this growing meme, kindly hosted by Tom at Wigger’s World, Sandy Carlson from Writing in Faith and imac from imac’s photos from the mind’s eye.
Reflected Glory
Reflected Glory

I was at Foster’s Botanical Garden waiting for the concert to start. I glanced at the sky to my right and saw a grayish-lavender cloud, and realized the sun would be setting soon. In that instant a blaze of glory lit the tree and I grabbed my camera. If this shot doesn’t do it justice, click on the photo to make it bigger.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. That is a really great shot! I love the asymmetrics and the variations in the leaves… AND the way the big tree just FRAMES that cloud! Amazing Quilly!

  2. Very nice….when I clicked on it I could see the golden trunk and limbs of the tree.

    When we were in New Mexico last year we were waiting for fireworks to start and got a picture of sun on a cloud that was really good. I’ll see if I can find it.

    My grandson won’t be on my blog too often. I have very strong feelings about posting pictures of children in cyberspace, but I’m really glad you liked that post. 🙂 He is my sweetie, but don’t tell him I said something so mushy.

  3. I love this little red spot on the tree that looks very special ! Of course the sky is nice too, lol ! I learn quite a lot about photography here in my summerschool, sunday it’s already over !

  4. Indrani – thank you.

    Cath — the photo doesn’t do the real beauty of the scene justice, but thank you.

    Melli — like, brilliant even?! 😉

    Robert — thank you.

    Jill — oh! You just reminded me of the lizard that came and sat on my during the concert!

    Donald — thank you.

    Amber — my niece took down her blog because she had someone from cyberspace arrive at her home and introduce herself! The woman was harmless and interested in my nephew-in-law’s art, but it really freaked C. out that she was so easy to find from clues on her blog.

    She had listed her town, her husband’s business (which has to do with his art), the ages and activities of her kids, photos of her kids, house and car — and the woman just googled T.’s artworks, got his home studio phone number and Googled it, which to led her what street they lived on, then she drove down the street looking for the house and car.

    Now, I think the likelihood of someone searching blogs for a stalking victim is slim, but not impossible. That “not impossible” part should help us use caution.

    Carletta — thank you.

    Gattina — are you going to come back and teach us?

  5. Irish Daisies — which island, have you decided yet?

    Vaianp — check what out?

    Neal — thank you.

    Polona — it was much more dazzling in person.

    Donna — thank you.

    Luiz — thank you. And that shot from the right looks very much like a stretch of Hawaii coastline!

    Dr. John — thank you. I promise to be too talkative later!

  6. One of the things I miss most about living in Lake County, CA, were the concerts that I used to attend. I was friends with Mr. Rifkin and his wife, and I went to everyone of them with them. He played 1st Violin and she played piano, but she wasn’t in most of the concerts, because they didn’t have piano in many of them. He of course played in them all. so we would sit and enjoy…..

    I lost touch with them,

    An open air concert is so nice……what fun. I often think to myself, how ones life can change so drastically in such a short expanse of time… many open air concerts did you attend in Vegas. haha You always amaze me Quilly….and what a great shot……beautiful.

  7. Beautiful tones in that sky, Quilly – and the tree looks like its arching gracefully to a classical tune.

    And, wow, thank you for the wonderful award and the great citation.

    I’m off to tell my milliner to order a larger size of top hat for moi !!

  8. Ellen — thank you.

    Nea — I believe I went to two open air concerts in the 10 years I was in Vegas. I went to Jazz on the Green AND Jazz in the Park with my niece. In neither case did we know anybody playing, but she was assigned attendance for her FPA class.

    David — The music hadn’t started yet. The tree was arching to a stiff breeze. And the storm had the grace not to break until the band cleaned up and we were in the car headed for our favorite 24 hour grease trap.

    Best tell him to let that hat out several inches. I think Jules gave you the same trophy.

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