Comfy With a View

It’s late and I’m tired. Today was a very busy day (it’s still Wednesday here for a few more minutes) and I’m tired. I was up early and off to a job interview. The interview, complete with skills tests, took a couple of hours. I was hired. Yay! (I won’t be teaching. More about that, later.)
After the job interview my darling took me out to lunch and I had a scrumptious Prime Rib sandwich at Eagle Cafe. The receptionist where I interviewed said the cafe had great food. I wouldn’t give it the “great” sanction, but it was tasty and filling — and our waitress was fun.
Then OC went to work and I went to Foster’s Botanical Gardens. Have I got pictures to share! Wait’ll you see the Sky Watch I’m going to put up tomorrow afternoon! Foster’s is an exotic flower paradise.
Halfway through my garden walk, the batteries died in my camera. No prob — I just reached for my camera case, opened the side pocket and — empty. No problem. Irritation, but not a problem — maybe. I went back to the front gate and asked the ticket lady (they take your money but don’t actually give you a ticket) if I could run to my car for batteries, and come right back in. She said yes.
I grabbed a new set of batteries — no, I don’t always keep new batteries in my car, but I’d tossed two in my purse that morning not knowing for certain what was or wasn’t in my camera bag — and retraced my steps to the center of the garden, where I spent a half-an-hour with the Cannon Ball tree (more on that later, too).
I took photos of many other lovely things which I will also share in due time. I don’t think I covered even a third of the garden so I will definitely be returning. Today was a special treat because for some reason they were light on visitors and I spent a goodly time in the garden alone! (Well, the guy from the information booth followed me around for awhile because he was bored, but mostly I was blessedly alone.)
After leaving the garden I grabbed a mocha frappachino at that really expensive coffee selling place, and headed for the university to pick OC up after work. I got there before he was ready to leave, and stepped outside. I set down on the edge of a huge cement planter and reviewed the day’s photos. When I came to the end of the review and switched the slide show off, the image above was showing in my view finder. It looked like a lovely picture, so I snapped the shutter.
Now for those I didn’t get to — most of you — I’ll see you tomorrow sometime between licensing the car, doing the laundry, and editing photos.
Congrats on the job. Wonder what it is?
It’s today here. 🙂
Congratulations on the job! Now please hurry back and tell us what it is! 🙂
Congratulations on getting the job!
I can’t wait to hear about the cannon ball tree. Sounds interesting.
Congratulations on the new job Quilly, sound like you had quite a day!!
I have an award for you at my blog, will you come and pick it up please?
The TEACHER will not be teaching? No. No matter WHAT your new JOB is, I’m confident you will still be teaching!!! But if you have found something that is going to be more rewarding to you personally, I am THRILLED for you! Congratulations! It must be really something – because NOW you’re giving up 5th grade…
The cannon ball tree has certainly piqued my interest – do that post soon! And that is a lovely little view you had!
Your foot looks relaxed. Good job on the job.
That plant looks very interesting. Was it once covered in white dainty flowers?
A new job! Horray for you! I don’t know yet what your new career is but I am happy for you.
I am glad you had such a relaxing a profitable day. You conquered an interview and then spent time in beauty.
You left your purse in your car? That is brave. Actually I guess I have done that a few times myself. I stick it in the back where the windows are dark adn cover it up with something on the floor.
you sure know how to leave us in suspense… a job, many photos, cannon ball tree… whew! can’t wait for the sequel(s)
Congrats on the job! Can’t wait to see your garden shots..oh goody 😉
Glad to see you whenever you show up.
Somehow I can’t imagine you NOT teaching. I’m sure you will do excellent in the new job though-whatever it is…and I’m sure somehow you will end up “teaching” again in some form or another.
Brian — so do I!
Brooke — can’t yet. I am missing some details, too!
Brig — must wait. Muhahahaha!
Jientje — I had a fabulous day!
Melli — well, I am a little more open to the thought of teaching Sunday School now ….
Nessa — my foot was SORE and wanted to be up!
Jules — that plant is probably today covered in tiny white flowers. Most of them had not yet burst forth. AND, I left my “satchel” aka purse in the trunk of the car. My ID and other vital stuff was in my fanny pack. I don’t know how I missed the batteries.
Polona — all in good time!
Shelly — some are truly amazing! You would so love this place! Acres and acres of ever changing landscape showcasing the different exotic plants from the homelands of all the travelers who first settled Hawaii, bring their culture and horticulture with them.
Doug — that’s good since lately my showing up has been more and more erratic!
SN — I am a teacher. It isn’t just what I do, it’s part of my personality, so you are likely correct.
What a wonderful day!!! Not only are you headed in another direction careerwise, but got to have lunch with your OC, and spend a goodly amount of time in the gardens. Some days just work out that way 🙂
My friend and I had a good visit and probably will get together frequently now. This was our first day to lunch together, but isn’t going to be the last. We met through an association to which we belong….and endless emails.
Not teaching anymore? How come? I like the photo… your foot does look like it’s resting. Ha! 🙂
P. S. I’m glad you told me about Las Vegas repealing that law…
Mary — an unresolved licensing glitch. I taught here last year, license pending, and all my paperwork didn’t make it in on time. In fact, my last necessary paper arrived TWO DAYS after the deadline. This means I have to reapply — start over from scratch — and school started here two days ago.
When I get my license cleared up, only then can I again approach the school district. They don’t want to talk to me until I have it in hand.
Glad you found a job but won’t you miss teaching?
I love Prime Rib sandwichs.
Looking fporward to all those great pictures.
Sounds like a lovely place to spend an afternoon. I went to Longwood gardens in Penn, once, it is 500 acres and it took all day to see everything, and then I am sure I missed much. Places that have flowers are always 1st stop on my list.
School will be starting soon, and you won’t be going back you say, huh. Waiting to hear about that…..
I see….well, you might miss teaching and you might not. If you find another job that you like as well, pays more, and you don’t have to handle bratty kids. haha
Personally I would rather iron my fingers than teach school….
Nea — I love teaching school. The bratty kids make my day.
Hi Quilly, It is always thrilling to start a new adventure.Good luck on your new job..I love the flowers on a magnolia tree and they smell so good..thanks for sharing with us.
Baba — thank you.
“hi, i got a new job. i’m going to make you wait to hear about it, while i tell you about fetching batteries.”
make with the job info, woman!
(just teasin’ about the batteries…i wish i had a camera that took normal batteries. these rechargeable ones can be such a pain in my hind parts.)
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