Ruby Tuesday With Dragons
Our Ruby Tuesday host is Mary, the Teach.
On Tuesdays you can post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED. Your photo can contain lots of RED or a little bit of RED.

This is the entrance to the Manoa Chinese Cemetery, one of the most beautiful spots on the island. The Chinese call this place, “The Heart of the Dragon” and the first Chinese settlers declared it sacred. Here is where they wanted to be buried, because it is as close as they would ever be to China again.
Today the cemetery is the equivalent of a very exclusive country club. Only members of the very best families are permitted residence. And even within the cemetery there are divisions, or “clans” and it is family membership which determines where one is buried.

Melli asked for dragons. These sit above the Dragon Gate in Manoa Chinese Cemetery. They are just one small example of the exquisite art which can be found upon the grounds. Please click on the images and make them larger.
What beautiful plants surround the building for the cemetery. It does seem like a special place for burial.
Thanks for the description Quill.
Golly… I thought American’s were the cliqueiest (sure it’s a word) folks around… but apparently NOT! Even in death, ya gotta BE somebody… sheeeesh…
I do LOVE those dragons! I need to do some research I think… I know the Asians reallllllly love dragons… but I don’t know why! I think I feel some knowledge coming on! Lookout Google!
Those are fantastic dragons. Exquisite.
I like dragons! Thse are beautiful. Mystic.
ps; I have discovered Grownups wanted us dead, I read a little of it when I feel old and I bounce right back.
That’s a very clever combination Quilly!
What a beautiful place to spend eternity. The plants are beautiful and you found dragons, too. A trip back to the islands is sounding so tempting.
So many fun dragons! I think I might be a dragon-free zone…if she’d only asked for windmills or wooden shoes I could take the ball and run with it.
Two for one Quilly – good job!
The red foliage in the first one is subtle but pops at the same time.
Leora — it is gorgeous.
Brian — de nada.
Melli — happy reading. Share the knowledge.
Carver — aren’t they, though? They are also huge. You should see them in real life!
Judi — I like dragons, too. A long time ago I collected them, but I have since given up all things requiring dusting.
I am glad you are liking The Grownups Wanted Us Dead. Mostly it just sits around sad and alone.
Jientje — thank you.
Amber, there is an ancient tree in that garden that reduced me to awe.
Shelly — I am running low on dragons, too!
Carletta — some days I get lucky. I have a close up photo of the plant. I took it just the other day outside our condo. It was actually supposed to go up today, but Melli asked for dragons so I’ll share it some other Tuesday.
Hi Quilly. These are gorgeous shots, and it’s a very interesting story. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Have a wonderful day!!
What a beautiful cimetary and all in red ! It looks much better than our grey once ! and you put another dragon picture for Melli ! I am still looking for one but so far I couldn’t find any dragon here at the English coast ! Tomorrow I return home.
red and dragons in one post – wow! and a great one, too.
Interesting info with the photos..First visit to your blog
Great photos and thanks for the explanations.
What a gorgeous, lush spot. Love the dragons too.
Love the red here. That’s great that you could combine it with Melli’s dragon hunt. I wasn’t that quick on the draw with my mostly red dragon :0)
Alice — thanks —
Gattina — well, I may be fresh out of dragon pics!
Polona — my archives surprised me. I went in search of the dragons, I’d forgotten the gate was red.
Michelle — Welcome! Come back again, ya hear!?
Ilana — thank you & you’re welcome.
Raven — the hillside is surprisingly alive for a cemetery, isn’t it?
Ellen — I’m lazy, so that makes thinking in terms for short-cuts come naturally.
Now those are wonderful and happy dragons.To think they guard a cemetary. Perhaps they keep out soul steelers.
What wonderful photographs of an amazing place! I’ve never seen a cemetary so tropical and colorful – I like it!
I guess that I hadn’t thought of there being a pecking order in cemeteries, or a means test as to whether or not your wealth is old money or not. Sheesh!
However, the entrance, landscaping and other details are quite lovely!
beautiful landscape
took me by surprise, the idea of clans and cliques among the dead but I suppose every cemetery does have some level of differentiation – the big headstones, the hilltop plot, the masoleum.
I want to be scattered off the Golden Gate
preferably after my death
It looks like a lovely spot! Cool Dragon Gate, too!
That is incredible.
Interesting cemetery. It’s a shame you have to be dead to get in. It looks very beautiful and well kept.
totally beautiful, as always…
What an incredible amount of culture you seem to have there! I learn something new each time I come to this blog.
I think my head will explode soon….
This is a very interesting and informative post.
I think they permit “residency” to only people of the same clan normally by their sir-name.
Nice red and beautiful dragon sculpture, perfect for both memes
Dr. John — they are believed to be ancestor guardians.
Annie — it is more beautiful than many of the parks.
Ralph — well, the cemetery is over 100 years old, plus this is an island and space is at a premium. AND this is a sacred place, reserved for those who would not profane it.
Dianne — your last sentence cracked me up big time.
Will — thank you.
Maria — thank you.
Dot — well, they let me come and go and I am neither dead not Chinese ….
Holly — why thank you [preens] — but what about my blog post?
Cath — if you’re going to explode would you first take several more steps back?
M&MC — thank you.
Napaboaniya — actually, social affiliation is very important, too. Several Chinese Charity organizations have their reserved sections.
Beautiful Ruby Tuesday shots!
Very beautiful!
Roger — thank you.
Junie — thank you.
Sorry I’m so late. I tried to do my Ruby Tuesday rounds earlier, but got interrupted by twins who refused to eat their dinner. I won’t mention any names. ;P
That looks like a beautiful place. Sorry I don’t know much about the history of this cemetary. The landscaping in the background is very pretty and serene.
Great photos! I forgot all about this place. (I went to grad school at UH/Manoa, so I know exactly where it is.) It is indeed one of the loveliest spots on Oahu.
Purty sign. Thanks for sharing.
quilly, what a beautiful entrance to the cemetery! I went looking for dragons yesterday and ran into more RED than I can use for Ruby Tuesday! Great post! Thank you for participating!
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