Punny Monday & Bridging The Gap
What proper noun (the name of a person, place or thing) does this photo represent? EMAIL your answers and leave a comment designed to either help or confuse your fellow game players.
The first contestant to EMAIL me the right answer wins a featured link in my blog which will display until next Monday when we’ll play this little game again. Enjoy.
PLEASE, do not write your guess in the comments. It spoils the game for the other players. Your guesses will be shared when the game ends.
Punny Winners!
August 25th, 2008 at 3:19 a.m. — Melli – Bridge Party, Bridge Mix, Bridge Club
August 25th, 2008 at 6:21 a.m. — AmberStar – Contract Bridge
August 25th, 2008 at 7:39 a.m. — Jane Latham – Bridge
August 25th, 2008 at 8:10 a.m. — Doug – Northbridge
Visit Alice to find more players in her photo challenge, Bridging The Gap.
There is a bridge at Nanakuli Beach Park that seemingly leads to nowhere. It is brand new and beautiful. It spans Nanakuli Stream. It is parallel to — that is beside — Farrington Highway, and is blocked on both ends.

I found a reference in the minutes of the town council meeting granting permission to a boating club to use the bridge to bring their boats into the park. The minutes stated that the bridge would be open for club use transporting boats into and out of the park during the hours of the race. A police guard was to be posted to prevent non-sanctioned use.

The sign reads that the road is restricted to use by emergency personnel only. I could find nothing that stated why this fancy, expensive, new bridge would be built beside the old one, and then kept from use. We have speculated — maybe the new bridge has a structural flaw and can’t handle a constant, steady traffic flow. Maybe it was decided after the fact that the new bridge would move the highway too far over. The road leading from the pictured end of the bridge cuts through the park. The road leading from the other end of the bridge runs adjacent to the front yards in a housing complex.

And maybe — just maybe — the bridge was built exactly for the purpose it serves. The current entrance to the park requires a 45 degree turn followed by another, immediate 45 degree turn. Some boats and rigs likely can’t make the narrow cut. This one allows rigs and trailers to roll straight in. They still have to make a 45 degree left turn, but that turn is managed in wide open space, not at the entrance to an overcrowded, undersized, packed parking lot.
Ok that is quite a mystery. A project that leaves more questions than solutions. Weird…
Hmm. That is odd – but I’m betting on the last paragraph! Stranger things have certainly happened! (and MIGHT be that those boat people actually PAID for that bridge too!)
I think the maybe- just maybe is likely- very likely.
Send those bridge-building people here! We’ve had the bridge south of where we live blocked for the best part of two years, cutting off the residents of the suburb on the other side.
I think I get it … as every Leeward resident knows, if anything happens to the Farrington Highway, the west side of Oahu is cut off from civilization. There is no other road. The Highway is a divided highway, with twin-span bridges, all the way from Honolulu to the (NB) military installations at Lualualei. Except at this one spot. I smell the blood of the Department of Homeland Security.
Since there are no real access ramps to this bridge, to open it to regular traffic would just snarl things up worse than they already are.
If folk ever get the Leeward Bikeway built (it’s been on the cards for nearly a decade now), the bridge might be opened for that purpose.
At least you found a bridge ! I still haven’t found a single one !
The mysterious bridge to nowhere…hmmm….I almost betting on OC’s Homeland Security nod – ah, our tax monies at work.
I have NO Clue on Punny Monday – can hardly wait to see if Melli gets it!
If you lived in Belgium, you would not raise an eyebrow on a story like that!
Things like that happen here all the time!
Good story!!
Funny…wasted tax dollars was the first thing that ran through my mind – I wish I didn’t think that way…I’m cursed!
A bridge to nowhere . . . I feel a short story coming. Interesting bridge especially odd if it’s only for the boats. There’s an irony in there somewhere. All the nouns I can think of are too obvious so I’m drawing a blank rather than . . . I fear to say too much in case I stumble over it by accident but I don’t think I have the answer so I’m not emailing it.
Whoof!! This does seem like a strange situation… maybe it’s built just fur dogs to use too. Arf, arf, arf.
Quilly, I love your bridge photos. How odd. Now I want to know why they spent all the time and money to build this bridge and rarely ever use it. Way too much money just for the occasional boat… they knew before they built it that the road would go through the park and near those homes… etc. What an interesting thing it would be to research this and find out… go to the council and ask questions. Tax payers have the right to know, haha.
I left a new post on my blog… “Bridging the Gap – Ideas” hehe.
Mr. Linky problem has been fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
you find the most amazing bridges… but this one could be a product of our administration… pft
You have made my day. I always wanted to see a picture of a bridge to nowhere.
Oh why they do things as to run our goverment.
I know or I should say what happen to good ole common sense.
Thank you for stop in and looking at my bridge and stop back in when you get the time.
Coffee is always on.
lol… A very interesting story about a bridge that sits mostly unused. Sounds pretty typical of our gov’t. If it is for the boaters, I hope their fees cover the expense…eventually.
Hi, Quilly,
Looks like I missed out on this weeks punny fun. Just wanted to say that “Mourning Glory” got tweaked after the first-draft post you caught Sunday night. That’s not uncommon for me. =)
Thanks for being an encouraging blogger!
I PROTEST!!! I do NOT see a “contract” on that table! Nope… WHAT clue was supposed to lead us to “contract”??? HUH?
A bridge nowhere, indeed.
Does Senator Stevens have an alibi?
Hey, you said proper noun… That’s a specific person (Mojo), place (London), or thing (London Bridge).
If I’d known you meant just any old noun, I’d’ve said “open drawbridge”… 😛
Just outta curiousity… what was the bid?
– Mojo
when i stopped trying to figure out the WHYs of hawaii events i stopped getting headaches. 🙂
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