Phonetically: Ah-oo-koo-oo
Or, if you prefer: Black Crowned Night Heron.

When trying to say ‘Auku’u, the first syllable /Au/ should be prounounced Ow (as in ouch) then oo, all blended together. Think “kid whine,” OWoo!”  OWoo-koo-oo. Congrats, you have a new Hawaiian word.
Btw, you’re going to want to click on this fella and make him bigger.
I love the way he is standing. His coloring is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful crisp clear shot again.
I am learning Hawaiian!
It looks like a lost baby !
Your series of bird pictures have been so enjoyable this week.
You even photograph pronunciation clearly.
I made him bigger and he looked even more gorgeous, if that’s at all possible!
Thanks to OC for his knowledge and to you for passing it on to me!! I loved that cottongrass 🙂
It’s the softest “green” thing I have ever touched.
Ouookoooo… I think I’ve GOT it! By george, I’ve GOT it! That bird has a little gleem in his eye… I bet he’s a rascal!
Ella will be fully trained on kite flying by the time she reaches Hawaii! But it definitely helped that I bought one labeled EASY FLYER!!! LOL! With the ocean breeze we had it up in less than a minute – and up it stayed until I said Down Girl!
He’s lovely alright, and very elegant the way he stands straight up.
He’s actually kinda scary looking up close… that crown is pretty neo-Goth or something.
And I think that’s my favorite of the series so far too. (my series I mean) thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for share beauty and culture.
Great shots.
I back.
I invite you to visit my blog. There is a award for you.
Luiz Ramos
That is such a fun word and that bird looks like every retired gentleman I’ve seen examining the creek for possible fishing.
OHooooo, I love this Heron… we have white ones that come behind my house and hunt for fish in the return flow of water out to the cove.. I love to see these big birds fly with their wing span… thanks fro sharing.. Baba
I don’t care how you pronounce its name. Its one cute bird.
I am so sorry.
My Award is for you as I like your blog very much.
Luiz Ramos
From Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
September 19,2008
Yeah, I’m going with the Black Crowned Night Heron. In fact, I’ll probably just go with Heron. Maybe even something as simple as “Bird”. 😉
Hey quilly, how’re you doing? I love your Auku’u! 🙂
He has quite a little stance there doesn’t he!
What a fantastic deal!! I get to enjoy a gorgeous photo of absolute beauty… and learn Hawaiian too. Too cool!!
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