Fishing Lesson

This photo captures a little bit of the everything that makes up Oahu, Hawaii. The traffic — too much of it. Sky scrapers and cement buildings big and tall. Green, green vegetation and expanses of blue water.
This is ocean water, even though the photo is of the Ala Wai Canal. I spoke to the couple fishing. The young man is teaching his wife to fish here in Ala Wai, where the water is calm and there is no surf to distract her. Fish caught in Ala Wai cannot be eaten because of water pollution.
If you biggie the photo, you will see that the sign has been graffitied. Honolulu has the same problems all big cities face — gangs, crime, inadequate public transport, inadequate parking, over-priced housing, homeless …. Paradise is only paradise on the surface. After all, it is still here on earth. The peace and beauty is an illusion hard to maintain for any real length of time.
It is good that you tell the good AND the bad. It is all too easy for us over here who have seen nothing but postcards of the place to wonder in amazement at the paradise you live in. And I have. And I do.
But sometimes it is good to bump back into reality and realise that this world is the same across the globe. We all have the same issues to deal with. Just a different location.
Good and bad is everywhere, even in hawai!
Good to know that!
Hi Quill. Been around but haven’t had much time to comment.
ah, yes… we often tend to forget these things and it’s ok that someone remind us of them…
Unfortunately, wherever humans reside, Human Nature does too: both the dark and light sides, as well as all shades of grey.
It seems sort of cruel to catch fish they can’t eat. Most catch and release fish wind up dying from infection.
Cool picture though. Honolulu was a cool place to visit when we were there. The rice was something to behold. I stuck together like no rice we had ever seen before. It must have been a tourist amazement, because one day we were walking back from the beach and splat some kids threw a ball of rice from their balcony and it landed right in front of us. It did break up, but not as much as one might think…either that or I totally understood their position on the rice. 🙂
Ahh the majastey of being simple in a busy world. Great picture!
Sin is sin no matter where you go.
That is a good photo.
i’m glad i’m where God want’s me to be i thank God that i don’t live in a city or big town .we do have crime drugs etc. But i do see most people have no hope.very inward looking,me me me myself. But Jesus can break through.where you live you see it to.Jesus is coming soon .May GOD Bless you and yours. Please read Peter1:3-12 I can see myself fishing with coffee at my side and some bread rolls and the sun on my back.Here in U.K. this summer we had about ten days sun the rest of the time we had rain and more rain now going about with webbed feet .Bye for now.
I think there’s much more than a fishing lesson here in this post…
Yeaaaaaaaaaaa…. I know it’s not REALLY paradise… but you do such a great job of deceiving us most of the time! Hawaii has never really been on my list of places I wanted to go… until you lived there! And mostly I just wanna visit YOU – not the state!
What a fascinating photo, such a surprise for me…here I am living in the city, walking deep into the woods and discovering fly fishermen within the streams. Yes ,I do have photos but I am so busy walking and searching they are getting backlogged…soon to be shared. Love to you my dear friend and thanks for your support.
Still pretty. You should see what is left of Galveston Island. Sigh…
they’ve put HRT stickers on it? i only know that to stand for hormone replacement therapy. i’m giggling my butt off now at the thought ladies walking around sticking HRT stickers all over things.
Seeing the cars makes me think how loud it must be!
And yet, when you’re fishing, the whole world seems to be alright for a while.
“Fishing” is one of those good things that we won’t be able to do in heaven. (How’s that for a sanctified double-meaning?)
I don’t understand the logic of fishing if you can’t eat them. Some say it’s relaxing, and a lot of men do it to escape their wives, but not this bloke. Something not right there.
There ya go, busting my bubble again. That is such a sweet picture of the husband and wife.
And that’s why there is Kauai 😉
Well, at least you have those gorgeous rainbows to look at while you’re stuck in traffic 🙂
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