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Creature Comforts for a Creature Who Loves Comfort

We spent the first night in our brand new bed and I slept like a baby.    OC says he did, too.  You have to know that’s quite amazing, because despite making Ella a comfy bed on a great big cushion, sometime in the middle of the night (typical kid)  she managed to squeeze between us.

Ella likes the big bed!
She likes the big bed!

In fact, though OC and I have been up for almost an hour, our lazy house guest is still a bed.  I suspect she’ll be up soon though, because I am on my way to making omelets for breakfast.  Ella has requested broccoli and spinach in hers.  Sounds good.

If you would like Ella to visit you, contact Melli at Insanity Prevails.  She is Ella’s legal guardian and travel agent.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Now I have caught up on all the posts I realise why a baby elephant might be sneaking in between you two at night. Glad she is having such a good time. She is being thoroughly spoiled!

  2. Ahhhhhh! Ella is living the high life, me thinks! My that bed looks comfy! And I’m exhausted! Just returned from the weekend with Krysti! I’ll post tomorrow….

  3. Hi Quilly,
    So, did I miss something. Are you already in the house? That was fast.
    Ella looks like she is having fun and eating WELL!

  4. Ella looks so good in that shade of brown, now wonder she wants to stay in bed so much. Has she been out in the sun much, or having issues with the heat? I do hope the tiredness and wanting to stay in bed is due to jet lag and not to heat or sun stroke. Does she wear a hat in the sun? Sunscreen? One must be careful in Hawaii. Haha.

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