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Ella’s Pool Party

OC and I were invited to a pool party.  Of course we took Ella along even though her name wasn’t on the invitation.  In true Ella fashion, she became the party.  Within minutes the hostess and all the other guests were besotted with her.

When we first arrived, Ella stretched out to sunbathe.

Though Ella issued no complaints, out hostess began to fuss about the lack of Ella sized accommodations.  One of the male guests promptly hurried to the pool shed and returned with ….

... an Ella sized chair.
... an Ella-sized chair. AND an Ella-sized lemonade.

However, Ella isn't one for lounging long, and soon she was in the pool.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Ohhhhh ELLA! I LOOOOOOOVE your swim suit! I hope you showed them all how you squirt water out of your trunk! (hehehe… i hope you got them all!) LOL! I’m sO jealous!

  2. Melli — Ella definitely got in some splashing and spraying with the swimmers, but she was very well-behaved and didn’t spray those who wished to stay dry. Our hostess had a lot of cooking magazines and books out near the pool, and Ella wanted to be a responsible guest.

  3. Gattina — I’d like her to stay, but she really does leave on the 25th. She has a new adventure ahead, and since Ella is Ella, I have no doubt there ill be fun and mayhem wherever she goes.

    Intricate Girl — She has style, our Ella.

    Carletta — yes, indeed. That girl spent both of her paychecks on finery!

  4. Well, Bazza, I don’t have to worry about it because I am not wearing the bikini! And given that most elephants sunbathe naked, I think Ella’s choice of a bikini was a step in the right direction.

  5. I’m glad they found her a special chair. She looks really happy in the pool. You are spoiling her. We don’t even know anybody with a pool.

  6. Mar — the towel matches, too! Don’t forget that.

    Polona — shining bright!

    Dr. John — she has also helped me cook, clean, pack, unpack, garden and do all those everyday household type things. Pretty much as long as she’s the center of attention, she’s a happy elephant.

  7. Totally stylin’! Way to go Ella. It’s so nice of those people to run and fetch for their guest, finding her a chair just the right size, and with an umbrella too!! What a prized and cherished wee Ella! So cute in just the perfect ensemble.

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