And We’re Back ….!
I am sure it hit the national news since Obama is on the island, but, in case you hadn’t heard, Oahu just enjoyed it’s own personal power black out. Some parts of the island (including our part) were approximately 19 hours without power. Now that the power is up, I have much to do — all my Saturday chores are still waiting. I’ll get to your blog soon. Please be patient.
Glad your power returned Quilly, though being where you are it wouldn’t affect you as much as if you lived where it is cold and snowy. When the power goes out here in Winter, the only ones who are warm are the folks with the Wood stoves and Fireplaces.
Enjoy your Sunday
Ohhhhhh geeez! Isn’t that ALL you needed!? Well… I hope you found something to make those 19 hours pleasurable! I usually take the time to read…
Nineteen hours!!! I’m glad you’re okay now! Enjoy your Sunday!
I don’t think I’d do very well without electricity for 19 hours, Quilly! But I’m glad things are back to normal for you! Wonder how Obama did?
I did not spend a fortune on those ingredients, uh-uh!!
If I cooked for you, we would go to the market together, and look for the fresh produce of the region and the season, same as I did for my Christmas meal! I cannot imagine it being that expensive, or is it?
I couldn’t do without electricity for nineteen hours . Good job I live in snow country where they quickly restore power.
Sorry about the power outage. Makes you realize how nice it is to have electric, doesn’t it? Glad you are powered up again. All three other towns I lived in here in upstate NY lost power pretty regularly. So far Hancock has been good to me.
Bill — you are absolutely right, and we are grateful for that!
Melli — we watched candles melt, listened to the emergency news — then we went to sleep. Best way to pass looooong hours of darkness.
Jinetje — I’m fine. The ice cream, however ….
Mary — the power company rushed Obama three generators, one of which was declined. He also declined the Mayor’s offer to join his household for the evening.
Jinetje — those specific ingredients from your meal, would cost enormously here, which is what I meant. But of course we could find plenty of really yummy stuff for a reasonable price here.
Dr. John — people needing electricity for life saving appliances were directed to several places across the island that provided emergency power with generators.
Raven — Well, we’ve only lost power twice in 18 months, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
I think Obama is a class act on many levels. Quilly, in 19 hours there was probably some sunlight or are your days like Alaska now? One never knows.
When we have storms…which we have not had in ages, we got some little headlamps that fit like something a miner would wear. It is great to read, play games, etc. Those things that ya really need some light. I’m longing for us some rain for sure.
Wow, that is unusual, isn’t it? Let me see…. no computers, no air conditioners, no fans, no TV, no ice machines or refrigeration. This could be a challenge, lol. Okay, I know it would be a drag and I shouldn’t make fun. The electricity was out here for some time a couple weeks ago, which was mostly during the night and morning. Since this means no heat, I stayed wrapped in my blankets until the hydro came back on. I was grateful it was not out for days like I’ve heard of it being in parts of the US, and now that we’ve been through record setting cold temps for Dec., I am grateful it happened before that. My furnace and pellet stove both need hydro to work, so no hydro, no heat. The no lights, no computer, etc. is a drag, but secondary to the cold.
What kind of temperatures do you have in winter in Hawaii, Quilly? I’m sure they must be fairly high as many people from here go to Hawaii on holidays at this time of year. In fact, younger brother and family went there for Christmas holidays this year.
Glad you’re back in the light. :o)
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