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  1. Too Funny, my question how do you smoke a liquid??, Unless they are talking about putting it in Grandpa Walton’s Smoke House smoked with Hickory Chips.


  2. Grammar really makes or breaks a sentence.

    Hey…The BIG waves are coming I just saw on the Weather Channel. Not for Honolulu, but the north shore is going to have really big waves.

  3. Bill — I bet if one mixed it in the smoke house wood chips, the meal would be thoroughly tenderized, but I doubt it would be tasty.

    Thom — it’s funny how a tiny little mark can add — or detract — a whole world of meaning.

    Juliana — too bad. If you were still in the habit you could use it to heat your house ….

    Jientje — glad you enjoyed it.

    Melli — I know colleges are supposed to give kids new perspectives and ideas, but this one does seem a bit radical for even an ultra-progressive school.

    Capsun — periods cost money.

    SN — so this explains the smoldering undercurrents your new life has taken on!

    Andrew — I’m glad I warned you. That first attempt would have left quite an impression on you.

    Amber — yes, my camera and I should be at the North Shore right now, but I am here typing to you, and soon I am off to work. That’s how life is sometimes.

    Carletta — I do. They make for wonderful conversation starters and blog fodder!

    Doug — well, if you look closely at the top corner of the sign I think you can see a little splatter of someone who tried it ….

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