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April 5th — A Poem A Day

The Autograph Tree

We carved our names upon this tree
The day that we were wed.
The tree still lives and thrives and grows,
But your love for me is dead.

How many other names are here,
A testament to pain?
How many other wounded hearts
Afraid to love again?

Every day young lovers come
Their pledges here they sign,
Let’s hope their hearts are truer, dear,
Than your heart was for mine.


Poetic Asides, Day 5
Prompt: write about a monument


  1. Your words made me think of a series of pictures I took in Provence, at the Jardin de Pétrarque in Fontaine de Vaucluse. Pictures of hearts and names carved in trees.
    I never got to publish those?
    Maybe I could borrow your words someday huh?

  2. Oh that one is sad! Quilly, I’m not used to sad from you. But you do it well. Was this a prior poem? Or did you write it for the prompt?

    We used to have a tree like that — but it didn’t just hold lovers hearts — it had every kid in the neighborhood carved in it!

  3. I know, Melli. This is the first poem I’ve seen in the challenge that wasn’t cheery. Touching, though.

  4. Haunting is the only word I can think of when I read this poem.

    That poor tree though the way it has been carved up by folks.

  5. A sad poem that painted a picture in my mind’s eye.
    Very nicely written. Of course, I’d expect nothing less than excellence from you!


  6. Jientje — feel free to borrow my words, just sign my name to them!

    Melli — this tree holds more than lover’s hearts. It is in the middle of The International Market Place in Waikiki. And I originally posted the poem and the photo here, The Autograph Tree, in response to a prompt from another site.

    Doug — there has to bee something to hold up all that cheer.

    Bill — that’s what I thought when I saw the tree.

    Barbara — and that’s the thought this poem was built on.

    Nessa — He said He wouldn’t tell!

    Cath — I think when one carves on them like this, their secrets are right out there in the open!

    JD — wow! Thanks for the praise.

    Dr. John — I find the fact that the tree has survived nothing short of a miracle!

    Zerilda — I, too, feel bad for the tree.

  7. It is sad but unfortunately true in many cases. The names are put on the tree before they have to do the work of a relationship.

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