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  1. Melli — so is Spring!

    Jientje — I used to make it on purpose as a child. Now I care for it less.

    Doug — water comes from my garden hose!

    Juliana — takes one to know one!

    Cath — if you all keep praising the poem, it may just grow on me.

    Bill — ypu might want a laxative with that lunch!

    Dr. John — you had mud and snow and ice, yet you live in the UP. You don’t get a lot of weather you do like, do you?

    quilly’s last blog post..April 7th — A Poem A Day

  2. And lets my cats come in with muddy paws !
    BTW it is NOT Rosie ! (she is offended now) this was a complete black cat in a coal mine (very appropriate place)

    Gattina’s last blog post..

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