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Mulling It Over

Following a convoluted conversation about a potential idea for Punny Monday, she said, “Aren’t you glad you have me?”

He put his hand to his face and rubbed his beard.  One second.  Two Seconds. Three seconds.  Four ….

“Hey!” She said, giving his shoulder a shove.  “You’re taking too long to answer.”

He looked at his arm, rubbed his shoulder and said, “Ninety-nine point ninety-five percent of the time I’m glad to have you.”  She was about to say, That’s better!, when he added, “I think.”


  1. <———– fell off the chair laughing and to think you had to be nice for his b-day yesterday and he wise cracks back like that 🙂 Make him buy you a new camera for that one LOL

    Thom’s last blog post..Friday’s Fave Five

  2. No make. If my Amoeba didn’t have a smart mouth, I probably wouldn’t love him so much. I am happy with him even if I never see a new camera lens.

  3. So it is with scientists, the tails of the probability curve have to be considered.

    It reminds me of a story from This American Life about two young NPR-types newly in love. The girl asked “What were the chances we would find each other?”

    The guy replied “You must be one of only, maybe, 100,000 for me.”

  4. You two are just so perfect for each other! Fortunately I have a daughter with a smart mouth – SHE’s the one that keeps ME on my toes! Dennis doesn’t get it….

    Melli’s last blog post..Just stuff…

  5. Sometimes being the “Wise~Acre” is fun. My Dad always would say something and you didn’t know if he was serious or having fun. As I am getting older I am becoming more like him.

    Happy Easter Quilly

    Bill’s last blog post..The Good Old Days !!!!!!

  6. Doug — some answers should just be instant!

    Barbara — on my blog, the comments are often more fun than the posts!

    Melli — we keep each other alert, that’s for sure!

    Juliana — it is for us!

    Cherie — I know I am blessed. He is a wonderful man — mostly.

    Bill — at our house, it is usually fun.

    Cath — it keeps him alert.

    Raven — he is the man of my dreams.

    JD — Happy Easter to you, too!

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