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You will notice some changes taking place here on my blog. I am “personalizing” the place, not just for me, but for you as well. If you’ve not already done so, check out my blogroll. (If you aren’t on it, give me a shout.) My blogroll is not static. It updates when you do — and the newest posters are always at the top of the roster. Pretty cool, huh?

The other change you might notice is Gravatars — the little icons that adorn your comments. If you don’t have your own Gravatar, the program assigns a little geometric pattern to represent you. The patterns are assigned to email addresses, so you will always get the same one.

If you don’t care to have a random geometric pattern assigned to your comment, go here Gravatar — Globablly Recognized Avatars and click on the sign up now link.  Then, sign up and upload whatever photo you would like to represent you on Gravatar enabled blogs (like Thom’s, mine, probably Nessa’s [if she’s enabled it] O’Ceallaigh & The Quill and most other WordPress.Com blogs).

And, I am certain there are more changes to come, I’ve just not decided what they are yet.  Stay tuned.


  1. Jientje — I am happy that you are happy. Now go back and look at all your past comments, because it put your photo next to them as well!

  2. I like the idea of an auto updating blogroll more than I like the actual practice. It’s kind of unwieldy, IMO. If I may make a suggestion (do with it what you will), have a standard blogroll, but when people do a mouseover, it pops up a little link to their latest blog post (sort of like the “Snap” links on OC’s blog). It shouldn’t be too difficult to cram together something that acted that way. You’d need a snippet of javascript that does an action on mouseovers, and combine it with the piece of code that calls the latest post. Wrap it around the code in the area displaying your blogroll and it *should* work.

    Whoops. Sorry. My computer got taken over by a geek for a second.

    Lisa’s last blog post..Hearts and Lace

  3. Doug unless I am mistaken this doesn’t just work on wordpress. When you use this you register your email address and it’s based on that. When I comment on blogger my gravatar shows up.

  4. Quilly ~ When I went to use my email of choice I found that I was already a Gravatar user. It took me a minute to figure out which pswd I was using. The picture has been changed, you are my first blog that uses Gravatar to see if it worked, Crossed Fingers

    Bill’s last blog post..Fembots & Go~Go Dancers

  5. Neat! Neat! How exciting. Spring Sprucing. I’m doing something similar on some of my sites. I’ll stay tuned, for sure! 🙂

    Cherie’s last blog post..Saturday 9

  6. That’s ok, Thom. Being a nuisance is more important to me than being right, as both Quilly and OC will probably agree. I do appreciate the answer.

  7. Bill — just don’t stick your finger in it.

    David — I visit your blog 2-3 times per day. You’ve been back for awhile.

    Amoeba — lovely. I hope you plan to clean that up. :*

    Church lady — I pretty much use my feed reader for visiting blogs, but I want to share my friends with the world.

    Melli — post often!

    Doug — I thought you’d eliminated whine from your diet.

    Lisa the Geek — feel free to write the code, I’ll use it and attribute it to you, but I haven’t got the know-how!

    Jientje — there will be at least one every day this month because of National Poetry Month and A Poem A Day — and that means there will be two on days I actually want to say something.

    Amoeba — I don’t know, that one looks a little grim to me. :*

    Juliana — yours is pretty.

    Thom — it’s nice of you to try to help Doug, but you’re wasting breath.

    Bill — by all means, fill up my comments with your tests. It makes it look as though I have losts of fans.

    Cherie — I’m very frustrated because the template I want, isn’t working!

    Dr. John — thank you for your permission.

    Thom — go back and reread — Doug said HE was being a nuisance. He just likes to give me a hard time.

    Doug — … sigh

    Bill – -and if I can figure out how, it will change again!

    Jientje — I don’t know what is wrong with Comment Luv, either. Do you have the little box checked so it knows you want to use it?

  8. ooh, a challenge! I need either the snippet of code that is displaying all the latest posts, or pointed towards the widget or something. I’ll see what I can do.

    Lisa’s last blog post..Hearts and Lace

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