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April 24th — A Poem A Day

Cyberspace Casanova
Suave and debonair,
he flits from blog to blog
flirting lasciviously,
leaving bits of innuendo
for each lovely maid.

He tenders verse in
one size fits all,
insulting ladies
left and right
in commonality.

Sublimely unaware of his offense,
he recoils in surprise when confronted.
Oh how it pains him to be labeled
feckless and insincere; he leaves,
proclaiming himself betrayed.

Of course he knows,
she still loves him;
how could she not?
He is a legendary Lothario
in his own mind.


Poetic Asides, Day 24
Prompt: write a poem about travel


  1. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you, and many moooooorrreee!

  2. Coded Message about our Thom? Oh, I think I am going to start calling you “Buford” the way you keep going around saying you are gong to beat on someone with a 2×4.

    Happy Birthday Quillster. And once you are feeling better, you and OC get in your car, open the windows and Play This as you Roll on Down the Highway.

    Be Good

        1. Bill — this poem is about a rude, ignorant, vilely insulting man who treats women horribly. It does not apply to anyone I spend time with. It most certainly does not apply to you, or to Thom!

          1. Quillly ~ I was just being Facetious when I wrote this, I know it wasn’t about any of your friends that visit.. I was just trying to be funny yesterday, I guess it didn’t work.

            Was that a 2×4 swish by me. 🙂

            Bill’s last blog post..Twenty Years Today

    1. Melli — my inspiration came from a real guy. He used to visit my blog — and Nessa’s and a few other people’s, and he was seldom politically correct.

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