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Sorry — Life Happens!

If you have come searching for my idioms, you will have to come back later.  I forgot to think about them while Amoeba was gone (I had home projects to do) and when he came back last night I was focused on him and just forgot all about you!  I’ll see about getting them done tonight, but I still have a 3WT episode to write!  If any of you would like to support me so I could stay home from work and just play with my computer and camera all the time, I’m up for that!


      1. Thom — it’s still unbelievable when we try to drive on it! All the time I threaten to get out of my car and spray paint a decimal point between the two fives on the speed limit sign since that’s all the faster we usually get to drive anyway!

    1. Doug — you are safe since you are on the mainland and I can’t reach you.

      Thom — I’m biding my time, but one of these days I’ll zap you good.

  1. Doug says “slower than molasses” but my guess is “faster than greased lightning” or is that perhaps how fast Doug should run?

  2. Quilly if you want a job where you can just sit around and take pictures and play on your computer you should get a job “On the Buses”. Look at our Thom, he is forever on his and leaving comments. 🙂

    I didn’t realize you gave Thom Proxy on your blog 🙂

    Glad Amoeba is back safe,

    Bill’s last blog post..Que Sera Sera ~ Whatever Will Be Will Be

    1. I don’t have Thom’s fancy phone. Can’t compete. AND, I didn’t give Thom PRoxy. He just took it. He’s like that.

  3. if you can just wait till i win the lottery… cos when i do, i’llmake sure i never have to see snow again, and my friends won’t have to go to work unless they really want to…
    oh wait, gotty buy that darn ticket first

    juliana’s last blog post..Random musing

  4. Well, Jientje offered up MY idea! Criminy! This stuff is supposed to be FUN! It is NOT supposed to be stress inducing! THIS is what we do in our RELAXATION time!!! Did you not get the memo? Or maybe it was a meme….

    Melli’s last blog post..IDIOM Wednesday

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