Jientje’s 1000 Words Photo Challenge
Jientje, our mistress of fun, has cooked up a wonderful photo challenge, and this is what she has to say about it:
When I was a kid, I was always fascinated by the colourful language my grandmother used. She had such a way with words, she had her own funny ways to describe things and that memory still makes me smile. As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language.
Now, because a picture paints a thousand words, I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to pick an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we’ll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay?
If “language is the dress of thoughts” ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe …
And so we continue ….
Week Seven: M & N
People who “mince words”, never say quite what they mean. They hint or allude to something, but never come right out and say it. If one is asked not to mince words, their listener is requesting a simple, direct, statement of fact. Many [most?] politicians are well known for mincing words.
Saying that someone’s “not playing with a full deck” is a euphemistic (word mincing) way of calling them crazy.
“Hey, LeRoy, did ya hear ’bout Joe Bob?”
“No, Elroy, I didn’t. What happened to Joe Bob?”
“Dern fool dropped a lit match in his gas tank.”
“Gee criminy! What’n tarnation did he go an do that for?”
“He wanted to see how much gas he had left.”
“I always knew that ol’ boy weren’t playin’ with a full deck.”
“Yep, an now he’s got even fewer cards then he had before.”
If you liked this, you can see what the other players have come up with by stopping by Jientje’s, Heaven is in Belgium, and clicking on the links. If you really liked this, grab your camera and play along! Jientje is one heck of a hostess and a good time will be had by all!
You put a lot of work into those pics, quilly!! great idioms and fantastic shots 🙂
Mar’s last blog post..back to regular blogging… I think
Mar — thank you, I really enjoyed planning this.
Enjoyed this post. And in a way, both can apply to politicians, especially here in the UK.
Anthony North’s last blog post..TONY ON POLITICIANS
Here in the US, too, Tony!
Love them both Quilly!
The minced words picture is perfect, and the conversation really made me smile!
That looks like a very good kitchen knife?
Jientje’s last blog post..A Thousand Words In Idioms, M and N
Jientje — it is a very good kitchen knife. I like to cut and chop and slice and dice.
Clever, mince words is my favorite. I’m so sorry you had the flu! I thought for sure people who lived in beautiful Hawaii didn’t have to suffer that kind of indignity. Show’s you how much I need to get out more!
Kat’s last blog post..Retirement is not for Sissies
Kat — think “Small fish bowl” — here in Hawaii we all share everything. All the germs have a trapped audience.
Nicely done, although in choosing the jacks to eliminate I can’t help wondering if you started off with a different phrase.
Doug — tsk, tsk, tsk. Work that shampoo in a bit more thoroughly tomorrow, huh?
Par excellence!!! I can just see you sittin’ there
slicin’ upmincin’ those words! And I know somebody who’s GOT your Jacks! But that’s about ALL she’s got!I never WAS fired from a babysittin’ job! Never never! Ungh-ungh! But yea… I am of a mind to just “let ’em go ahead”… some of the best fun is had when you let ’em go ahead! I TOLD Dennis last night that if I hadn’t had to stick to John like glue, I WOULD HAVE let her go ahead! ‘Course I woulda followed at a safe but invisible distance…. ROFL! (you can’t help but wonder… what WOULD she do???)
Melli’s last blog post..Idiom Wednesday… M & N
Hmm, could have sworn in your FIRSTS meme you said something about being fired from a babysitting job. Alas.
Wonderful shots and idioms! I really do love your way with words and the sense of humor, Quilly. Hope you are feeling much better and have a great day 🙂
Rosidah Abidin’s last blog post..A Thousand Words In Idioms: M and N
Thanks, Rosidah. I really enjoy making people laugh.
ROFLMAO at mincing words — that photo is priceless! Still reeling from the joke, too!
Carleen’s last blog post..A Thousand Words in Idioms: M and N
Carleen — I’m glad I gave you a giggle.
That knife worries me a bit. I’m not sure you should be allowed to play with knives based on some of the stories you have told us.
I find it interesting that you took all of the Jacks out of the deck – the cards representing messangers and news.
Nessa’s last blog post..Jientje’s 1000 Word Photo Challenge
I removed the Jacks because they’re wild, don’t you know? They’ve run off!
As to the knife, I wondered what the neighbor’s thought when I passed the living room window with a knife clutched in one hand and my camera in the other. “Honey! Come quick! She’s going to kill someone, dismember them, and take PICTURES!”
Loved the mincing words – I also noticed what words they were. On Thursday’s you guys sure know how to mince words so to speak. 🙂
Not playing with a full deck, one brick shy of a load, one fry short of a happy meal – sometimes the phrase just fits and I shake my head.
Glad Melli picked up on the Jacks.
Hope you’re feeling better.
Carletta’s last blog post..Idioms: A Photo Challenge
Carletta, I think Melli meant her MIL has the missing Jacks, and is more than just a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
You went to a lot of work for both of those! Great job!
Barbara H.’s last blog post..Of lists and marriage
Barb — that I did. It’s fun. Jump in any time.
Wow…you used all the 3WT words. That was very clever. Your not playing with a full deck was awesome too with the story included. If it were me I would have taken one card out of each deck…but that’s just me :LOL Great Idioms Q.
Thom’s last blog post..A Thousand Words In Idioms – M and N
Thom — I took one card out of each suit — the JACKS! Go back and look again, and this time, pay attention!
Very Nice Quilly, Liked the Mince Words one.
Bill’s last blog post.."Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow"
Bill — TY
Great choices and great illustrations.
Dr. John’s last blog post..Unfaith Follows
Dr. John — I know you and Betty could do this together. You make an awesome team. Jump on in!
Hmmmm, Quilly, are you saying I’m a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic?!!!
Nope, David. You’re a couple pickles short of a barrel.
You did a lot of work to set those idioms up. Well done.
bettygram’s last blog post..Raven challenge 66
Betty, TY. I enjoyed every moment of it.
Oh my ! I hope you didn’t kill somebody with this knife ! I watch too many crime stories apparently ! Nice interpretations of your idioms !
Gattina’s last blog post..
Gattina — I’ve murdered a few vegetables in my time, but no people. You’re safe. Glad you liked my offerings.
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