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From One Island to Another

fhl-mapThe question was raised, if one lives in paradise, where does one go on vacation?  The answer to that is quite easy!  One goes to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island in Washington state!  I shall be flying out on Saturday evening — our own dear Thom is taking me to the airport.  For a peek at where I am going — and where Amoeba already is — check out the Friday Harbor webcam.

Some of you will remember Amoeba and I began our lives together just two years ago at FHL.  Here are the links to a few posts from that time — check them out for photos and fun (if nothing else it will make you really appreciate my new camera!):

Together at Last!

Scientists Are Strange:  A Proof


Conversation Pieces

Boat Talk

Walk With Us

Three Dot Friday Harbor

Life in Friday Harbor


Fawning Over Friday Harbor

Pink Skies, Purple Seas

He Said, She Said (with the Dudes)


  1. WOOT…bet you are getting so excited. Only I thought it was Sunday;

    She: “Feel like taking me to the airport Sunday, June 20th about 6:30ish? I promise not to leave my laptop home. (I don’t have one!)”

    He: “ROFLMAO…certainly. Bet you are anxious to go”

    4 Days later

    She: “Thom,

    I just read your comment on Amoeba’s post. My plane leaves SATURDAY night. If I said Sunday I humbly apologize and blame it on my illness. Can you still take me Saturday at 6:30, or are you otherwise engaged?


    He: “Ooops…it could have been me as well…Certainly I can take you…”

    She: “Whew! Thank you! ”

    Thom’s last blog post..Three Word Thrusday – #19

  2. Have a wonderful time though I’m not sure that you should trust Thom with getting you to the airport. How familiar is he with the roads around there? LOL 😀

    1. Cherie — did you read the post about Thom taking Amoeba to the airport, then returning to pick up his laptop and take it to the airport?

      1. Oh yes, he was downright sweet that day. Bad joke on my part I guess. I would hope that a bus driver would know ALL the roads. 😉

        1. Sorry! I didn’t realize you weren’t being serious. Blame it on my packing distractions. I really should have known better!

    1. Melli — Yep — the camera is all revved up and ready to go! I have a two gig card and I just bought a card reader (since I can’t very well take my printer with me to FHL) and I hope to be posting some awesome pics!

    1. Minky — thanks. Amoeba and I were just on the phone to each other. We’ve been apart two weeks now and are both looking forward to our reunion.

    1. Susan — stay tuned then, because I’ll have lots of photos! You can look at them and pretend you’re visiting!

  3. You know I thought I left a comment here yesterday. Maybe blogger ate it.
    Anyway, I’ll repeat what I thought I said – have fun on/off the mainland!!
    Take Care.

    Carletta’s last blog post..Litter Camera

    1. Carletta — You left it on the wrong post — but I got it just the same! I’ll be sharing my fun on my blog, so don’t go away!

  4. That is a really, really beautiful place. I could dig me some time at that Rosario resort!
    Hope you both have a wonderful time and get some needed rest…mental and physica. 🙂

    amberstar’s last blog post..Birthday Pix

    1. Rosario Resort is on Orcas Island rather than San Juan Island, where we will be, but the two islands are only a short boat ride apart.

  5. I’m late. Again. *breathless*
    Have a great time! Paradise from paradise. Hmm.
    Is a 2 gig card enough I wonder? I filled the 2 gig and half the 4 gig! But then, I am trigger happy. And not used to Paradise. Like some I could mention.

    Make sure you take plenty of pics though.

    Thumbelina’s last blog post..And on the Third Day…

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