Early Morning Visitors
First this fella stopped by:

Then we saw this little miss standing at the edge of the trees. She was a bit hesitant about venturing into the open, but ….

… her momma was getting further and further away, and finally little one sprinted to catch up.

They ate their way across the pasture and out of sight.
Then, a little later in the day, I crossed paths with this little guy again.
He still wasn’t keen on having his photo taken and didn’t hang around long.
great, the very beautiful fawn, the animal is our friend. : )
Skywind — I m glad your comment was legit, but I’ve removed the links to your spam.
I think you’ve got a budding supermodel there 🙂
Anthony North’s last blog post..CELEB MEMOIRS
tony — you think he’s just acting coy?
Wonder pictures, You are so thoughtful to share with us.
I can see you are enjoying you holidays on the Mainland.
Enjoy your stay
Bill’s last blog post..Happy Canada Day
Thank you.
I’m beginning to wonder about you and Buck…what you got going on there hmmm?? LOL…just kidding. Those are perfect pictures of him 🙂 That pasture one is so my favorite 🙂
Thom’s last blog post..Friday Flash 55 – 7/3/09
Thom — perhaps he’s smitten with me, but I think it’s the camera. That young buck is hoping for a Hollywood break.
OMG. I love that tiny girl standing with her toes in the sunshine! These photos are fantastic, Quilly; your camera’s excellent but you’ve got an eye that’s pure magic.
Susan at Stony River’s last blog post..I Can’t Stand The Rain
Susan — thank you. The camera is a Nikon D40x. The “eye” is untrained. I was going to take a photography class, but I had a pro tell me not to. He said once I learned all the rules to good photography, I’d start second guessing myself and lose my “magic”.
I’m not being coy here, but I don’t know what it is that makes my composition special. Most of my photos seem no more than okay to me, although I do occasionally get one I think is spectacular — and it is usually greeted with lukewarm reception. Go figure.
It’s because you have “the eye”. It special, you’re a natural. Don’t ever loose it!
Jientje’s last blog post..Friday’s Fave Five, the Holiday Edition
Hi Quilly, I hope you’re doing fine. Lovely visitors and great shots! I wish we could see these adorable critters in our neighborhood. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
Rosidah Abidin’s last blog post..Short Notice: Recovery and A Big Thank You
Rosidah — thank you! What kind of critters do you see in your neighborhood?
Aaaah but long enough to give us some beaurtiful pictures! Such lovely creatures, you’re so lucky to be able to get so close to them!
Jientje’s last blog post..Friday’s Fave Five, the Holiday Edition
Jientje — can you say 200mm lens?
Now I am really jalous ! My visitors are never so cute ! they are only humans !
Gattina’s last blog post..
Gattina — but you’ve got your cats and the neighbor’s dog!
Sheeeeeesh! I have 6 deer that LIVE in my backyard and I don’t get those kind of pictures! You are sO stinkin’ blessed! LOL! I love it! Fortunately, my little raccoon has NOT been back… yet.
Melli’s last blog post..The Field Trip…
Melli — it is the 200mm lens. I am not as close to the critters as it seems.
Soooo adorable! The PA deer do not show themselves too often, unless they are darting out in the middle of the road. Plus, they are much larger than the island deer.
Great photos!
Church Lady’s last blog post..Happily Ever After
Church Lady — the deer back home (Idaho) are larger and more skittish, too. They know they’re on our food chain! These little island deer (less abundant food) are protected and don’t know man as a predator.
Quilly it looks like you’ve been hanging out in my backyard! 🙂
Great shots!
I caught a fawn strolling through this week as well. I’ve seen him playing in the distance and he finally got close enough to capture for a second.
Carletta’s last blog post..A Fawn Nonchalantly Walks By
Carletta — this little one was almost directly below our balcony. She had no idea we were outside. Her mother knew, but didn’t care. She knows were aren’t a threat.
how adorable!
Lani’s last blog post..FLASH FICTION FRIDAY 55:
Lani — Isn’t that little one a cutie?
You captured great shots of those pretty creatures. I still get all excited when I see deer across the street from our home grazing in the woods, or when I see a gorgeous, red cardinal fly by, or even when I see a rabbit hopping along. The other day, our neighbor had a white goat on his front lawn. Turns out it belonged to a neighbor down the road who has a few acres and apparently some goats on his property too. It was fun seeing the goat frolicking about enjoying his short-lived freedom.
I’m sure you see lovely sights all the time being that you live in paradise.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!!!!
Jamie Dawn’s last blog post..Adventures with Grandad #3
Jamie — there are lovely sights the world around. People just have to be open to seeing them.
Quilly – those pictures are amazing! I wish I had such beautiful wildlife living in my back yard – the only animal I ever see is my neighbour’s cat 😉
Logan Moran’s last blog post..Allergies Relief – Allergy Medications You Need to Know About
The fawn is adorable and your visitors would always be welcome at my place (can’t say this about everybody, lol)
Mar’s last blog post..pink poinsettia
What sweet visitors! Good photo capture.
Barbara H.’s last blog post..Happy 4th and catching up
Lovely photos as is the one of Mt. Baker below. The Pacific Northwest really is beautiful. I think one of my favorite things about the US is how beautiful each region is in its own right. Hope your poison ivy is better and that you had a great 4th of July.
Raven’s last blog post..Happy July 4th from the Land of Occasional Sun
Quilly, these are awesome!!!
Nicole’s last blog post..Wannabe a black Lab
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