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    1. Thom — it’s a different picture and God changed the color. It’s called “sunset.” I am sure he’s glad you approve. 😉

      If you scroll down and look at the other pic, you can tell I took this one from a completely different part of San Juan Straight. I was on a ferry boat crossing the Sound.

          1. Bill — nice try. You are missing one comma and two periods. IF I was to give you the dash, you’d still be missing one period. And, 10 demerits for arguing with the teacher.

            Sheesh, you were told Thom. Once a teacher, always a teacher.

  1. It’s amazing to think that’s a real place—I wonder if I stood there, if I would simply be so struck by the beauty of it I’d completely forget the camera in my hands! The glow the sunset’s giving to the water is just lovely.

    I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday today!

    Susan at Stony River’s last blog post..Happy Independence

    1. Susan — at first I was just captivated by the site, but luckily it lasted long enough that I came to my senses, jumped from my seat, rushed to the bow of the ferry and took this shot.

  2. Forgot to ask Quilly: do you employ Thom as a straight man in the comments, or is it coming out naturally? Reading his comments and your replies on this blog, are some of the most fun moments I’ve had in a long time.

    1. Susan — Thom and I just make a natural comedy team. He certainly helps brighten the place up and I’m more than happy to have him around — just don’t tell him that!

    1. Thanks, Bill. Amoeba is working and I am sitting here waiting for him to come and eat the lunch he ordered about an hour ago.

  3. It’s the 5th here but not too late to wish you a happy 4th! I love the way you respond to comments on your blog, but I never have time to go back to mine to see what’s happening! I’ll send you an email asking for advice!

    1. Brenda — if you sent the email, I didn’t get it! Keep in mind, as I rule I only put up one post a day. I think at the rate you post, keeping up would be more difficult.

  4. Breath taking picture, and I hadeven more fun reading all the comments!
    Hope you’re feeling better, and I wish you and everybody there a happy fourth of July!
    I hope you had fun!

    1. Jientje — the comments are always my favorotie part of the post! Our 4th was bright — as you can now see from my new post!

    1. Shelly — I almost forgot to look. I was watching where the ferry was going, and only belatedly remembered that I’d have to look over my shoulder to see the mountain. And I’m glad I turned around because it was at it’s stunning best.

    1. Nicole — so would I, but the Ferry keeps moving and soon it goes around an island and the mountain disappears. Alas. I would have liked to got a progression of sundown photos.

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