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Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

In the interest of making blogging pay, and paying my bills, I have signed on to a paid posting service.  To my loyal friends and fans, you will still receive all the content you love, and sometimes a little more.  I will try to make my paid posts interesting and fun, but if you do not find them your cup of tea, just skip the paid posts.

I will not promote anything I disapprove of.  This is and will remain a G rated blog.  I have no intention of selling out my integrity or my reputation.

Because I will be accepting pay for some of my posts, I must have a disclosure policy.  I have chosen to have both a blog wide disclosure policy, and  — when it seems appropriate — an in-post disclosure clause.  You will find my sitewide policy under one of the page tabs above, but I am also going to post it here.  Read it or not, as you please.

Disclosure Policy:

This policy is valid from 25 July 2009

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.

I am compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though I receive compensation for my posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

To get your own policy, go to


  1. Why not!
    Good luck with this new way of blogging Quilly, I know we can trust your integrity.
    You made me rather curious, I’m looking forward to read the new posts.

  2. Intriguing! I must say I’ve never even considered making money from my blog but I’ll be interested to hear how your new effort pans out.

  3. So when we see “12 Tasty TV Dinners Tuesday” we’ll understand you didn’t pop your cork. Got it.

  4. Paid or not, I’ll still be reading your posts. Good luck monetizing your blog.

    Maybe one day I’ll follow suit, but I think I’d have to go back to daily blogging like you, which I don’t have the time to do right now.

    I’m inspired right now.
    .-= Capsun (@exbor)´s last blog ..Come Rediscover Makiki =-.

    1. Capsun — you are the greatest! I don’t suppose you happen to have a spare job hanging around in your pocket or anything?

  5. Didn’t you try this once before? Alright… I’ll go along with this…. but I request that ONE of your posts, in say 4-6 months maybe, be a true evaluation of how this Blogging For Dollars works out for ya! Cuz we all probably wonder how much money can a body REALLY make doing this??? With our little peon blogs?
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Turn Out The Lights… The Party’s Over… =-.

    1. Melli — I started to try this once before by putting Google Ads on a couple of Blogspot blogs, I but gave up before the first 6 months passed, which supposedly is the wait period for profit in that market. It took too much time. In this case, it’s my regular blog not extra things I am trying to maintain, so we’ll see how it goes.

  6. I guess you got to do what you need to do, I myself would never have adverstising on my blog. I agree with Melli, I don’t think there really is that much to be made with allowing ads.

    Oh, pop over to the blog and see if you can guess what the Close up is. I’ve changed it a bit, you need to email me with what you think the answer is. Email provided in the post.
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..The Close Up Game #4 =-.

      1. I didn’t mean to sound Condescending and Superior, I wish you all the best and hope it works for you. I guess I just have a suspicious nature when it comes to some things. I would have to see it make anything before I trust it. I just don’t want to see anything happen to you,
        .-= Bill´s last blog ..The Close Up Game #4 ~ Answer =-.

  7. I hope it works out well for you.
    It would take the fun out of blogging for me .
    On the other hand if you make a lot of money I might change my mind.
    .-= Dr. John´s last blog ..Random Thoughts =-.

  8. the fellow above
    who would never allow advertising?
    wondering what he’s afraid of…

    at any rate
    the idea of adverts on the blog
    or blogging for money
    is interesting to me

    im looking forward to
    learning/seeing what this is all about…

    i do wish you good luck

    i will talk to you soon

    1. Nancy, I believe he’s afraid of offending his friends — which makes his comment wonderfully ironic, don’t you think? I loved talking on the phone. We need to do that more often!

  9. Give it a whirl! IMHO if anybody can make it work …it’s you! Look at Pioneer Woman…hokey pokeys…she has all those give-aways with the proceeds from her blog – it’s a pile of dough 😉
    Good luck…
    oh…..and your reply to Bills comment, laughed out loud sitting here all alone on my couch.
    You tickled my funny bone.
    .-= Shelly´s last blog ..Boursin, Boating and Best Buddies =-.

    1. Shelly — I need to learn the secrets of money making blogging. I may have to check out Pioneer Woman’s blog. AND as to Bill, I’m tired of being offended all the time, so I’ve decided to have fun with his occasionally snarky comments instead.

  10. That’s a very good idea ! why not be payed with having fun ! I only have the Google Ad in my sidebar, that doesn’t bring a lot, but still it’s nice ! My english is not good enough to do something else. I have met people here in Blogworld they earn that much money with their blog that they work from home ! (if it is work, lol )
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  11. I don’t have a problem with that.
    I would do them too, but for most of them you need to be either in the US or a US citizen.
    Haven’t yet found them in Europe 😉

    I have paid ads on my blog though and try to get some pennies through amazon. Sometimes it even works 😉

    I think I probably should check that disclosure thingy too, but,…… 😉
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Rooftops of Nuernberg =-.

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