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Three Word Thursday #22

Welcome to Three Word Thursday #22. This week, joining the quondam word-list, we have rogitate; solipsistic; &  nequient. We also have a whole list of perspicacious writers. If you enjoy reading my story, leave a comment then click on the names of the other players and go see how they used the words. You’ll be entertained (and possibly educated) all at once.

In Honor of Fandango:
3WT in One Sentence

Nequient at recognizing his solipsistic views, Nigel would sit staring in the mirror behind the bar while consoling himself with whiskey, and rogitate, “Why am I the only one who appreciates me?”

The 3WT #23 words will be:  tortiloquy; montivagant; & vultuous

Got it? Good! In that case: Your story is due on: August 13th, 2009

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  1. ok- your blog is now getting confusing-we are going from number 21 to 23? and I missed # 22? How did that happen? Your 3WT in one sentence was not bad-though since you are the host I was expecting something more-or are you still working on your story and too distracted?

    Oh, btw and completely off the subject but had you thought about subbing? Just a thought.
    Talk to ya later.

  2. I expected something a little longer, but I enjoyed it all the same. Three Word Thursday is a wonderful way for me to stretch my vocabulary–rarely do I find a word I already know. Thank you!

  3. Ah, how observant you are, Quilly. There are to man Nigel’s in the world, and I think that I might be one of them. On the other hand, like they say, even paranoid people have enemies. Well done! 🙂
    .-= Cherie´s last blog ..Three Word Thursday #22 =-.

    1. P.S. (I’m noticing that I’m having a lot of these lately. Through no fault of my own, I’m sure. lol 😉 ) Anyway … Switch that to, “There are too many Nigels …” LOL

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