Blogging for Dollar$ — Part Three
$parking For Dollar$
Social Spark, like PayPerPost is part of Izea, a social marketing company making it’s presence felt all over the web. So far, Social Spark is my favorite of the Izea platforms I have tried.
Social Spark has a multitude of earning platforms to choose from. If you want to write a post for a flat rate, then click the “POST” tab and peruse the offers and amounts. Pick one that appeals to you. Unlike PPP, where I set my own price, SS provides the opportunities at set prices and it is up to the writer to determine whether or not the post is worth his or her time. I have written two posts for SS, earning $21.50.
SS also has Sponsorship opportunities. A blog Sponsor pays a daily rate for an ad on the writer’s blog. So far I’ve not been lucky enough to attract a sponsor. One can hope.
Affiliate ads are ads in which the blogger puts the advertiser’s ad on his/her blog and — if a sale is made — receives a commission. The ROKU Digital Video Player andÂ
Make Money online with eBay ads up on my site right now are affiliate ads. So far they have received plenty of clicks, but nobody has ordered, so I have yet to earn anything from them, and probably won’t be in a great rush to replace these ads when the campaign runs it’s course.
Cost-Per-Click, or CPC links, are links to product sale pages that, generally pay between thirteen and 33 cents per click. This doesn’t sound like much, but it ads up. I think of the CPC posts as my “change jar”. Keep tossing those nickels and dimes in, and after a while you’ve got something. I have posted 10 CPC links on my blog and so far accumulated $14.91.
So to date, in total, I have earned $36.41 from Social Spark. However I cannot collect my monies right away. First, I have to accumulate $30.00 in my account balance and, like PayPerPost v4.0, I cannot collect payment for the flat rate posts until they have remained on my site for 30 days. Which is too bad because I was hoping to buy one of those $100.00 gift certificates from
Watch Wearhouse for just $60.00!
Oh, and for those who are curious, I have been blogging for pay for 17 days now and to date have accumulated $74.66 in pending payments. No, I won’t be getting rich, but an extra $100.00 per month or so won’t be hurting my feelings any.
If you liked this post, you might also want to read:
Blogging For Dollar$ — Part One
Blogging For Dollar$ — Part Two — Tweeting For Dollars
All paid links in this post were deactived on 10.12.09
I’m OPTING to take the high road here and support your endeavor! YOU GO GIRL!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Ruby Tuesday — Ugly Beauty …. and stuff… =-.
Thanks again for the Info :)!
That money does not sound bad at all.
I’m afraid I am not up to peak for people wanting me to write for them.
I have added my blog a while back, but I guess in the wrong section or something.
Things are starting to flow here in private Live again, so I will just keep this stuff on hold until I’m settled wherever the flow takes me next 😉
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Somewhere in Germany =-.
I am glad to read that this seems to be working for you Quilly, at the beginning I was a bit skeptical (My Scots Nature). I know it wouldn’t work for me as I don’t have the time to make the posts.
Keeping fingers crossed for Thursday
.-= Bill´s last blog ..I Got My Run =-.
Sounds like easy money for you, Quilly. Writing comes natural to you and it flows nicely. This $100 per month may one day turn into $1,000 per month or more! **Fingers crossed**!
.-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Whisper Wednesday – Hungry =-.
Quilly, I have a hard time chokin’ down a whoooooole glass of pure pomegranate juice. It is sooooooooo tart! You musta been one of those kids that LOVED Super Sour Gummies! (i hated ’em!) LOL! But I read somewhere a few months ago that just 2 oz. a day of pure pom can clean out gummed up arteries! I figured I’d start drinkin’ it! Good thing too … the doc ordered a doppler of my carotid artery! I’ve never had one, so I have nothing to compare it too (before and after) but I am very curious to see just HOW clogged I am!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..YUMMY! =-.
Glad it is getting you pocket money but it still isn’t for me.
.-= Dr. John´s last blog ..Thought Dumping =-.
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