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Quillian Quibbles

I would like to introduce you to my new friend, Quillian. We met right here on the Internet. She might look a bit scary, but I assure you, she’s a little cutie. Please ignore the ad that starts the video. I am poor and have to use a free service, and to make the service free they place ads. Other than that, this is a video made & produced by me — which the quality would have made apparent if I hadn’t. Please enjoy my friend, Quillian.

Introducing Quillian
Episode 1, Season 1


  1. Ohhhhh I LOVE her! Yes I do! Already! I wonder if she will explain to Ella about how weird elephants are … or if she will just try to convince her that humans are weird!?? I can’t wait to find out! I would love to give Quillian a HUG … but um… well… she’s a bit prickly!
    .-= Melli´s last blog .. =-.

    1. Melli — I fell in love with Quillian last January and have been trying ever since to find her. I finally succeeded when I stumbled across Folkmanis Puppets — through Amazon! Puppeetbville [dot] com has some great stuff.

      As to what Quillian is going to do with her new found fame, only Quillian knows, but shes a curious little thing and she speaks right up about whatevers on her mind!

  2. It died in the middle. But the thing , despite the quills looks edible. It looks like a cross between a skunk and a porcupine. We think it will be fun.
    .-= Fandango´s last blog ..Not Together =-.

    1. Fandango — the video died? Oh dear! Do you mean the long pause between the commercial and the show? Just be patient. Or do you mean the video really quit while Quillian was talking?

      Talking porcupines are quite magical and deadly poisonious to dragons. I am so surprised you didn’t know that! And Quillian doesn’t look a thing like a skunk! Skunks are black, shaped like squared off cats and have huge white stripes on their back!

  3. Well Quillian is a cute ugly little thing. And let me tell you, Fandango and crew must have tried to eat your poor little Quillan. When I hit play it started to load and just kept spinning. Then it just went to the very end.. I hit play again and it did the exact same thing,. But then I closed your tab with your blog on it and came back in and it worked…Is Quillan going to be ready for some antagonistic responses to her words of wisdom…after all she’s only a porcupine and how much can she really know on what we do wrong as humans…LO.L. But there again, she could offer some very true words of wisdom. How worse can it be than what other humans offer 🙂
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..55 Flash Fiction Friday – 8/21/09 =-.

  4. Thom — I would repeat Quillian’s response to your looks, but it really wasn’t very complimentary. Of course, she thinks all of us humans are ugly and she’s still obsessing over my lack of quills! I am sorry the video is giving you fits. I guess it did that to Dr. John, too. Hmmmmmmmm…..

        1. ROFL!!!!!

          But she’s gonna like ME!!!! A LOT!!! Cuz I have porcupine hair!!!!! LOL!!!
          We are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!!! Quilly and you and Ella!!! And I KNOW Thom is not going to be able to resist the three of us!! !
          .-= Jientje´s last blog ..A Nice Day For a Walk … =-.

  5. I had no trouble playing this video. It was great! Maybe this will lead to a full-time job at a TV station. In fact, you should apply for a video assistant job or anything else available at OLELO TV.
    Good Luck!
    .-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Being independent =-.

    1. gigi — but I am completely self-taught and what you saw is what I could manage to learn in about 4 hours. I think I need a bit more substance on my resume to actually get a video technician job! However, I just looked at the Olelo Production class and it sounds very interesting.

  6. Hot dog! We need someone to replace Shari Lewis and the Kukla, Fran and Ollie dude. You and Jamie Dawn are just what our generation needs.

    I can’t wait until next week’s visit with Quillian.
    .-= Doug´s last blog ..November =-.

    1. Doug — Quillian is not a dog, she is a porcupine. She is quite surprised that you don’t know the difference. She doesn’t know Kukla, Fran or Ollie, either, but isn’t opposed to replacing them if they had a nice dressing room.

      1. You know, Quilly, I typed “hot dog” and said to myself, Quilly is not going to be able to resist the pun, so I deleted it. But then I thought “how often do you get to have both sides of the conversation in advance?” so I put it back.
        .-= Doug´s last blog ..The Reformation of Wolfshausen =-.

  7. Great to meet your new friend Quillian. Though she does look a little scary, I know that deep down inside (very very deep down inside) porcupines are wonderful people and very friendly. Many porcupines have donated quills to Native North Americans for their art work, decorating their clothing and making jewelry. Welcome Quillian.
    .-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..Stuff…. =-.

    1. Alice — Quillian wants you to know that most porcupine quill donations are posthumous and she doesn’t plan to make hers for a long, long, long time! Also, she has never, personally, left her quills in any one, human or animal.

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