Three Word Thurday #26
Welcome to Three Word Thursday #26. This week, joining the quondam word-list, we have oporopolist; phalerae; & stibogram. We also have a whole list of perspicacious writers. If you enjoy reading my story, leave a comment then click on the names of the other players and go see how they used the words. You’ll be entertained (and possibly educated) all at once.
The 12th Knight of Strawberry Fife
Standing Guard
The stibogram lead to the oporopolist‘s stall. A diminutive guard stood nearby. He wore a faded green cloak over his tunic and whenever he moved a distinctive phalerae could be seen. The guards name was Evaard and he was the 12th, and lowliest knight of Strawberry Fife.
Last week Evaard was still a page. This was his first gig as a knight of the realm.  Of course, every knight had to start somewhere, but Evaard would have preferred starting by battling a newly-hatched dragon or even a teenage ogre. Guarding strawberries was embarrassing!

The 3WT #27 words will be:Â ponask; stiricide; & ruricolous
Got it? Good! In that case: Your story is due on:Â September 10th, 2009
Grins, you are just so funny 😀
Thanks for the giggle 🙂
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..The Rhine river 10 / 365 =-.
Nicole — glad to oblige.
OMG Q…this is excellent. I loved it and the ending was just the bomb 🙂 Very well done. 🙂 All hail our Mistress of the Scroll and Quill 🙂
.-= Thom´s last blog ..What Color Is Your Love? and A Star is Born? =-.
But Thom, I’m not certain it has ended. I may bring Evaard back next week for a bit more fun.
I am saying the ending to this story LOL One never knows what you are going to do next week so until I read the end of the series as noted by you…then I will mean the end of the series. Get it? Got it? Good LOL
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Three Word Thursday – #26 =-.
I know what I am going next week. I already have it written! YOU have to wait.
Well I see you are right on schedule…mines already done as well 🙂 so there…na na na na na na
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Three Word Thursday – #26 =-.
Evaard should be happy — I hear that even the baby dragons have some pretty viscious abilities to maim! And, we all have to start lowest on the totem pole in life. Well, unless you’re born into a family like the Kennedys or Rockefellers. But I don’t think many of them have really happy lives, so it’s best to be the guy that guards the strawberries.
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Three Word Thursday =-.
South Lakes Mom — you are a woman of great wisdom.
Those are tempting strawberries, so it’s actually a very noble job 🙂 .Great story!
.-= Rosidah Abidin´s last blog ..Short Notice: Tasikmalaya Earthquake =-.
Rosidah — my Gram always said that any job done to the best of one’s ability — even mopping floors and cleaning toilets — was a job to be proud of.
Good beginning of a new story. I love the setting. Glad you decided to use a word I introduced in May ( oporopolist) .CheckHERE.
.-= Dr. John´s last blog ..Rhymes with Plague =-.
Dr. John — I don’t have to click to see the word. I knew you’d used it. Your definitions page came up in my search for meanings. I got the word from a site I am certain you’ve already found because you’ve already used many of the words in my word can. I am surprised this is the first time one has emerged.
Hey this story could even have a dragon in it. What great writing. We are glad his first task wasn’t killing a newly hatched dragon. That was so unfair.
Fandango — please remember that Evaard lived before the peace accord! And thank you for the lovely compliments on my writing.
ROFL! I agree! Guarding strawberries IS embarrassing! Killing ogres is something to look forward to… but I’m with Fandango… I don’t think battling baby dragons is a good choice!
Melli — I’m certain guarding strawberries tastes better than killing ogres.
Enjoyed that. Great fun. I’m not posting mine until tomorrow – it’s joining my Friday post from now on.
Tony — when I first started this I had a “post it anytime before next Thursday policy, but people weren’t coming back to Mr. Linky and no body was reading each other’s stories — which isn’t something you’ll have to worry about!
Very fun! I always feel smarter leaving your blog! LOL!
Deb — always? Wow! And most of the time I’m acting silly!
is so familiar…
Evaard? Why?
because it is my name.
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Sky Watch Friday =-.
Ah! Yes, and I knew that! Duh. I just wasn’t thinking of it in terms of a people name, because a Fife is also an area in Scotland!
and a musical instrument!
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Sky Watch Friday =-.
Yes, and a little flute like thingy — can you play it?
i cannot.
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Sky Watch Friday =-.
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