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Various Ways of No-ing

She asked him some ridiculous question about the design of women’s underwear.  He said, “How should I know!  Why would you ask me that question?”

She said, “But honey, you know everything!”

He answered indignantly, “I do not!  Sometimes I say yes.”


A half hour later she queried, “Bobby Sherman, Donny Osmond, David Cassidy.  Who am I leaving out?”

He frowned, thought for a bit and said, “Oh, I don’t know.  Neil Sadaka?”

She cracked up laughing and said, “Hardly!”

He bristled.  “Well, it would help if I knew what the category was.”

She grinned.  “Stars I had a crush on when I was a kid.”

He said, “How should I know!  Why would you ask me that question?”

She responded, “But honey, you know everything!”

He paused for a moment, gave her “that look”, and said, “I believe we’ve already had this discussion.”

She said, “See, and you never forget either.”

He pointedly lifted his novel and shifted in his chair so his shoulder was toward her.  She took that as a NO more.


    1. Bazza — nope. Alice Cooper never made an appearance on my grandmother’s TV or radio and I didn’t even know who he was until I was in high school!

    1. Capsun, in this world, and especially in the average marriage, if you don’t have patience, you become patients. Only one of these is a virtue, especially if you have one of these health insurance policies that drive you insane (see “patients”) with their premiums and deductibles and co-pays, proving that you exist only to fatten the profits of shareholders.
      .-= the amoeba´s last blog ..Dude and Dude: Upgrades =-.

  1. For me it was those three plus Little Michael Jackson. And I wondered why all the grownups around me had such pained looks on their faces. They weren’t very open minded back then — but I have to say they’ve come a LOONNNGGG way.

    Remember Bobby Sherman’s “Julie, Julie, Julie do you love me? ” Well, he really meant to sing, “Kelley, Kelley, Kelley do you love me???”

    There’s a guy in our church praise band that reminds me of David Cassidy — that same swaying happy look. But singing about praising Jesus. He and I were laughing about it one day and we started singing “Cherish” together. Gotta buy a bus and paint it.
    .-= Southlakesmom´s last blog ..Let’s Roll =-.

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