I Am Not Alone!
So, I’m talking to Tilden on the phone. Â Yadda, yadda, yadda. We talked for about an hour, then I hear this really loud screeech, followed by silence. I’m sitting here yelling, “Marsha? Â Yo, Marsha?”
The dial tone answers me.
I call back and get her voice mail.
Okay, then. Â Email!
I typed, “You hung up on me!”
She typed back, “I reached for my toast and pulled the cord from the phone.”
My immediate thought was, “It’s so good to know I’m not the only one.”
i ripped the cord right out of the jack
which is still stuck in the phone
i need a new cord now
i’m going to bed…
Tilden — Just the cord. No new wiring or new phone?
Ouch…. could have been me 😉
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Counting days =-.
Nicole — “it could have been me” seems to be the consensus!
I need a toast for breakfast…
.-= Mar´s last blog ..cologne windows =-.
Mar — Tilden’s toast had cinnamon & raisins and I believe it was her late night snack.
LOL!!! That could happen to me too!!!
Aah, no, it could not. My phone is wireless. That’s a relief.
.-= Jientje´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave Five, Pink Sunset and Quince … =-.
Jientje – -and now you know why my phone is wireless! LOL!
I’m joining the club! LOL.
.-= Rosidah Abidin´s last blog ..Children of The Earth United: I am The Earth =-.
Rosidah — I never knew there were so many other clumsy people in the world!
I’d probably have buttered the phone.
.-= Doug´s last blog ..Referendum =-.
Doug — at which point all your conversations would become fattening.
Maybe Tilden should consider a cordless phone. My church office has a corded phone and I can’t stand begin anchored. Actually, it is probably a good thing I am “anchored”. Happy Friday!
.-= Church Lady´s last blog ..S-P-U-D =-.
Church Lady — Tilden has a very busy household. I imagine she has a corded phone so she knows where to find it.
Because you are a teacher, I feel the need to correct my spelling error in my previous post. What I meant to say is that I can’t stand “being anchored.” Oh my. Good thing it is Friday.
.-= Church Lady´s last blog ..S-P-U-D =-.
Church Lady — relax, I don’t like grading papers enough to grade comments. If a typo is really bad, sometimes I edit them, but this one I diodn’t even notice until you pointed it out!
You scared me. I thought “screech” meant car accident.
.-= 2nd Cup Linda´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave Five =-.
Linda — sorry. I could hear the screech in my head and knew it was electronic!
i have a corded phone because
anyone with a police scanner can listen to your conversation
you have to remember to charge the phone!
around here they are static-y
and to me just not worth it
still looking for a new cord tho…
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Random Dozen… =-.
Tilden — the new digital cordless phones cannot be picked up from the air. They also aren’t static-y. However, they do have to be recharged. I just return mine to the base after use. I also have 4 receivers, 3 which have their own bases & can go anywhere in the house. PLUS — and this is a biggie — the base has a button I can push and it will make my missing receiver beep so I can find it!
ahhhh digital –
it never occurred to me phones would
be digital now too…
LOL! I didn’t know until we moved here and the analog wasn’t compatible with the cable system.
Since I’m the newbie on the blog-block, what caught my attention the most was the fact that Tilden is a woman! Learn something new every day! LOL
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..Friday Funny =-.
Linda — Tilden is not her first name!
I don’t know what I thought… but it sure wasn’t THAT! What was the SCREEEEECH about? I would have thought straight to silence. At any rate… WE don’t even HAVE a house phone anymore! JUST an answering machine! (the children ruined our house number…)
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Friday Fave 5 =-.
Melli — it was a very electronic sound. Loud screech — probably a dying shriek — then dial tone.
I was surprised the phone was corded. I like my cordless and its speaker phone option – pouring my coffee and buttering my toast is so much easier.
Granted I have to talk a little louder sometimes; but hey…. 🙂
.-= Carletta´s last blog ..Lily’s Thinking Green =-.
Carletta — we just bought our phones and they have this neat little place on the side where one can plug in a head jack and clip the phone onto themselves. I haven’t picked up a head jack, but it’s on my list of wants.
Never had that happen to me, but I don’t know when the last time I used a corded phone outside of work!
.-= Ronnica´s last blog ..Ramble, Ramble, Ramble =-.
Welcome Ronnica! My corded phone at work was good for getting tangles and dragging things all across my desk.
Can’t remember the last time that happened to me. How did we ever get by without cordless and cell phones.
.-= Thena´s last blog ..CSN BABY GIVEAWAY =-.
Thena — Well, when anchored to one spot in my grandmother’s kitchen while talking to his beloved on the phone, my brother etched his name in the kitchen counter.
Such an easy thing to do!
.-= Akelamalu´s last blog ..Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 90 Driving….. =-.
Akelamalu — yes! I know I did it more than once and that’s what drove me to a cordless phone.
My first thought was “Someones still uses a phone with a cord?” Our cordless ones aren’t staticy (though the cell phones sometimes are). I had never heard that about the police scanners before.
We do have one corded one in the family room. The cord always gets tangled and I have pulled it from the wall sometimes, though not all the way out (yet).
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave Five =-.
Barbara — the first cell phones could easily be picked up on scanners — and even television sets. Then that was fixed so it wasn’t so easy, but was still possible. Not it has been fixed — by digitalization — and conversations are again private — unless you still have an analog cordless.
you’ve changed the header at ocquill!
quite nice!
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Random Dozen… =-.
Amoeba changed it. I took that photo btw. I was standing in the gas station parkinglot on the corner of Farrington Highway and Makaha Valley Road.
Oh that’s funny. And yes I’ve done it too!
BTW I’m suddenly very glad my sisters don’t blog.
What would they tell about me??
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..A Whole Host of Choices =-.
Susan — muhahahaha — how do I contact your sisters? And, not that it makes any difference to your familial point, Tilden is my sister-in-law. My sisters don’t blog, but Caryl has been known to visit here and leave telling comments behind.
I can see myself doing that!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..54, 55 / The Conclusion =-.
Mama Z — that seems to be the general consensus. Everybody sees themselves in this!
How often must I say this?
You’re not a lone.
You’re a gift.
.-= the amoeba´s last blog ..Sub Par =-.
My love, I was about to reply, “Oh now I remember, that’s why I keep you. Then I saw the tag at the end of your post. Sub Par.
Hi Quilly,
Off topic, although I am horrified about Tilden’s toaster’s demise.
At any rate, thank you for your hand gesture. My feelings exactly.
Karen — Tilden’s PHONE died. And I assume you are talking about the comment I left at Doug’s place?
Quilly. You haven’t left hand gestures all over the blogosphere, have you?
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Crowley Cultural Cargo? =-.
I do things like that on the computer and blame blogger.
.-= Dr. John´s last blog ..A Meme in Time =-.
I used to make the entire phone fall off the bench – poor person I was talking to would get an awful clatter in their ear. Only use cordless phones now!
it kills me that this post got soooo many comments.
.-= tilden´s last blog ..Random Dozen… =-.
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