Random Dozen 09-30-09
It’s that time again!  Lidna over at 2nd Cup of Coffee has come up with 12 more questions. I just love her memes. They make me think!
1. Tell me the absolute best way to watch a movie.
Shades of Thom here, but … with my eyes.
2. Do you ever think about your own funeral? If so, do you have specific ideas about how you would like it to be?
Nope. Whatever. They can do without for all I care. I’ll be with Jesus and won’t be worried about such things.
3. Are you more of a giver or a taker?
Giver, as a rule. I love buying gifts for and surprising people with things I think they would like.
4. Vacations: planned activities and schedules, or play it by ear?
A little of both. I’ll plan a couple of major things, but for the most part I prefer to see where the wind blows me.
5. What is one often overlooked item in your home that needs to be cleaned regularly?
The spare room. Stuff just walks in there and starts accumulating …
6. Name a cause that means a lot to you.
Teaching the gospel to children. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 [NIV]
7. Do you eat a regular old peanut butter jelly sandwich, or do you customize it? And by the way, jelly or no jelly?
Well, if it had no jelly, it wouldn’t be a PBJ. Jelly – strawberry. Peanut Butter – Jiff Chunky. Soft white bread. Yum! But mostly I eat PB with celery.
8. If we were having a conversation in person, how would I know if you were nervous?
You’d hear my voice wobble and crack!
9. Do you have an elaborate bedtime routine, or just the basics of toothbrushing and jammies?
Jammies? What are jammies?
10. Have you ever regretted something you wrote on your blog?
THAT is what delete is for!
11. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a famous person or celebrity? Did you agree?
Nope. Just as happy to be anonymous.
12. If you were going to dedicate a song to a loved one or friend, what would the song be and to whom would it be dedicated?
To Amoeba:
I loved every single one of those answers! And as usual, some of the questions deserved to be answered with a side of light snark, y’ask me, like the PBJ sans J? Huh?
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Thousand Words and Silly Haiku =-.
Susan — a lot of us snarked at that one. I didn’t want to snark too much though because I like Lidna and enjoy her memes.
#1 does sound like something Thom would say!
I don’t listen to much “pop” music, but that song is a good one.
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Random Dozen #4 =-.
Barbara — I heard that song for the first time when I was 9 or 10 years old. this Sunday in church the young adults lead worship and used this song to underline their Christian Fellowship theme. It was a very moving service — in more ways than one — even our pastor practically danced down the aisle during recessional!
LOL! You are starting to sound a LOT like Thom!
Hmmm… your “spare” room sounds a lot like my “back” room — the one that Jientje will be sleeping in… in 3 weeks! LOL! It’s coming along though!
Somehow I thought that if you dedicated a song to OC that it would be a much more mushy romance song… but I really LIKE this choice! It says sooooooo much more!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Random Dozen #5 … and Silly Haiku … =-.
Melli — yeah — Jientje is going to be in this room, too. I hope she doesn’t find Amoeba’s trumpets too lumpy!
If you only watch a movie with your eyes, you’re missing out on the full experience. 😉 LOL
.-= Cherie´s last blog ..Saturday 9: I Call Your Name =-.
Cherie — there’s usually “one” in every crowd, but at my blog I have a crowd for every “one”. I consider myself blessed!
ROFLMAO Thom did say that on a comment….atta girl Q. Larisa, Spike would like to know how you get the full experience then? hmmm
.-= Thom´s last blog ..What Kind of Rock Are You?, Proofreading, The Purse and UH Football =-.
Dear Spike,
Well, I don’t know about you, but when I go to “watch” a movie, I’m not there just to “see” something. I experience it through the sound almost to the point where I imagine myself in the film. At that point, I’m living it with all of my senses. That involves so much more than my eyes. 😉 (And if there’s fresh popcorn in the house, ahhhhh, heaven!) 😀
P.S. Sorry Quilly for hijacking the comment section. 😉
.-= Cherie´s last blog ..Saturday 9: I Call Your Name =-.
Cherie — she didn’t ask me how I enjoy a movie. She asked me — literally — how I WATCH it. I answered.
Larisa…Spike thanks you for your explanation. 🙂
.-= Thom´s last blog ..What Kind of Rock Are You?, Proofreading, The Purse and UH Football =-.
You two don’t really need me here, do you? 😉
Don’t encourage her. Oh crap, look who I’m talking to. Thom. Never mind.
I behaved Q…I was going to … Oh never mind ROFLMAO
.-= Thom´s last blog ..What Kind of Rock Are You?, Proofreading, The Purse and UH Football =-.
No, Thom. I rarely mind. You never mind. 😉
Oh great answers Quilly!
.-= Akelamalu´s last blog ..Update on Crash….. =-.
Akelamalu — thanks!
#1 Smart aleck! 🙂
#3 Me too!
#9 I I’m not touching that one with a 10-foot pole!
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..Random on Wednesday =-.
#1 — your point? (Actually, I wrote “you’re point” but I was afraid you wouldn’t know I did it on purpose!)
#3 — I also like waiting on Amoeba and spoiling him, but it isn’t “in” to admit such things.
#9 — that’s probably just as well. The pole would be unwieldy and one or both of us would likely get hurt!
Amen to #2 and #6!
What a sweet song to dedicate. Right up there with “wind beneath my wings” in reciprocity!
.-= Southlakesmom´s last blog ..2nd Cup of Questions =-.
Kelley — in Las Vegas I ran a children’s ministry for 6 years and was listed in our leadership directory as a Children’s Evangelist. I can’t think of any more personally fulfilling calling.
great answers!
loved #1!!!
#8..perfect!!! but I like pimento cheese in my celery!
#9….hmmmmmmmmm, do I even want to ask?
.-= sara bowyer´s last blog ..Wow, now this is how you fly! =-.
Sara — I like pimento cheese in my celery, too — but not WITH the PB! [shudder] And as to #9 — sheets.
So much to do over how you waste time watching a movie.
I think your answers are great.particularly teaching the gospel to children.
.-= Dr. John´s last blog ..The Contest =-.
Dr. John — especially since I rarely watch movies anymore. AND I miss Sidewalk Sunday School. I wish I could once again find a place interested in the program. Even if they did not choose me to lead, I would still love to participate.
Why didn’t I think of that for Question #2.
Great answers Quilly
Bill, if I recall, in your answer you said you thought everybody worries about such things. My only concern is that my dying doesn’t take too long and cause my family a huge financial burden.
I like your short and straight forward answers! 🙂
Especially how you watch a movie! Why didn´t I think of that? 🙂
.-= Betty´s last blog ..Random dozen – meme =-.
Betty — few people are as smart-alec-y as I.
Fun answers! I said the same thing about the PB&J…with no J?!?! Oh well, I guess to each her own. 🙂
.-= Chel´s last blog ..Meme With A Theme–Randome Dozen Trois =-.
Chel — a few others think like we do. I bet Lid is more careful about phrasing such questions in future.
Love your answers and LOVE your sense of humor! The answer about your funeral is the best! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
.-= Judy S. @ Just Enough Light´s last blog ..Random Dozen Week #4 =-.
Judy — thanks. Come back anytime. You’ll find plenty of humor here.
You and Thom and #1: See Lidna’s forehead banging on computer desk.
Sorry I’m just now getting around here. You know it has been a weird week.
Loved your answers. Looks like dozens of others did, too!
.-= 2nd Cup Linda´s last blog ..The One Wherein You Blow My Mind =-.
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