Waikiki Is Going to The Birds
All I can say about Friday, our first day in Waikiki, is that it was totally for the birds! Â There we were, walking down Kalakaua Avenue on our way to lunch and we came across these:

Their wings are clipped. They couldn’t fly so someone had to put them in that bush, which was in a planter, which sat in the middle of a busy Waikiki Sidewalk in front of a row of busy Waikiki Shops.

Amoeba said he doubted they’d stay there very long. The reason he said that was because no one emerged from the shops to watch or question us when Amoeba reached down and picked up one of the birds for a better photo op.
We continued our stroll and a couple of blocks later we encountered this lady:

She made Amoeba very happy. Can you tell?

The blue bird is a Macaw. The white bird is a Cockatoo. The green bird is an Eclectus Parrot.

I also held the pretty birds.

And we held the pretty birds together and the nice Bird Lady took our photo — and my $10.00 bill.
I must say that photo is priceless! Love it!
.-= Musings´s last blog ..Happy Birthday, Tiffany! =-.
Kay — which one? There were several photos on this post.
psst, that’s a female parakeet. They have pinkish or brownish nostrils and the males have blue tones… unless of course they are very young, but then it would be a purplish shade until they matured.
T, the ceres on both birds were almost lavender. From that, their size, and their behavior, I reckoned they were juveniles, far too early to call “cock” or “hen”, barely old enough to be on display in Waikiki.
.-= the amoeba´s last blog ..Dude and Dude: Drip Dry =-.
Tina — on my monitor the cere color is very clearly lavender, but such things differ from screen to screen. Amoeba was very unhappy that these babies were just left out like that unprotected, especially since they also seemed to be rather unsure on their feet and pretty much stayed where they were put. The one Amoeba picked up did not want to be returned to the bush.
I’d go back today and if they are still there, I’d assume them abandoned and take them home. Little white birds like that have no chance blending in and hiding from predators…
T — yes, that was partially why Amoeba was upset. And we can’t bring them home, our lease specifically says “no birds”.
did you tell the bird lady you took pics with about them? if you did, it’s likely she went to look for them…
No, Tina. We didn’t. I assume whoever left them in the bush went back and got them — if someone more compassionate hadn’t already walked off with them.
Ya got of cheap if ya ask me. Only $10.00. They’d have to pay me to get one of those on me LOL. Great photos Q. You wanna see birds…go to Kapiolani Park…pffft…pigeons galore
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Two Awards =-.
Thom — the pigeons are dirty, disease ridden and would not have sat so politely while Amoeba and I handled them.
You praise them to much. They are disgusting
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Sunday Stealing – The Starrlight Meme =-.
What a way to make money with your pets! They are beautiful birds and great shots! We had a parakeet long time ago, but then decided to stick with cats.
.-= Lew´s last blog ..Little red shed =-.
Lew — they are expensive birds to keep. Might as well make them earn their own sweet potato rations.
You do look a bit skeptical but besides that, love the pics

10 Dollars? That’s quite steep.
Then again, I haven’t asked what the guys here want for camel photos
Nicole, the birds on my wrists are HEAVY and they took their own sweet time trying to figure out how to use my camera and take a picture of me!
Then you are of course excused
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..First contact =-.
Oh! As to the price — there were 2 of us and we took about a half hour of her time. We thought $10.00 was fair and these birds are very expensive to keep.
The parakeets break my heart. I’m with Amoeba on that one.
The bigger birds are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
For a fun read: The Parrot Who Owns Me by Joanna Burger.
.-= Southlakesmom´s last blog ..Visual Pun #3 =-.
Kelley — I’ll check out the book.
Gorgeous photos. Brilliant colours. A pity you couldn’t adopt the parakeets.
Mumma — even if our lease didn’t forbid it, we are short term here. And those parakeets DID belong to someone. We just don’t know who!
The top two pictures are out of order. . . .
Two in the bush, and a bird in the hand! LOL
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..From a Mother’s Heart – Intervention =-.
Linda — oh! If I was thinking I’d have saved the Parakeets for Jientje’s idioms! Duh!
I love these photos — beautiful! The one of both of you and the birds is my favourite; absolutely worth $10 if you ask me! My sister used to keep parakeets and they always loved being held and cuddled. I guess it beat sitting in the cage playing with a jingle bell and swing.
You do look just a BIT nervous in your ‘birds’ portrait! Were you more afraid of bites or poo? LOL
Susan — I like the photo of us with the birds as well. AND, I’m not nervous, I am strained. I had been holding my arms up with those heavy birds on them for several minutes and my muscles were complaining.
OOoh! I finally get to see a current photo of you AND since I’m a fairly new reader, a picture of your Amoeba! All photos are wonderful, but that last one (of the 2 of you together) is indeed priceless. ♥ I’d say it was well worth $10.
I do feel sorry for those little birds with clipped wings. I certainly wouldn’t want MY wings to be clipped.
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Confession Time =-.
Karen — the birds photos is a current pic of me on an ordinary day. My comment gravatar is a current photo of me when I dress up. As you can see there’s little difference ….
I used to keep 2 parakeets in a cage in my carport. One day, I came home and the cage and birds were GONE!
.-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Flowers and my mother =-.
I used to keep 2 parakeets in a cage in my carport. One day, I came home and the cage and birds were GONE!
.-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Flowers and my mother =-.
Gigi — oh my! I can tell that really upset you since you shared it twice. I can’t believe somebody would do something like that! We talked about getting birds and keeping them in the carport. Now I am glad we didn’t do it!
I loved it. I used to have a parrot but it wasa not friendly and not very talkative.
.-= Dr. John´s last blog ..Eighteenth Sunday =-.
Dr. John — Amoeba used to have a Conure and would like another. He wants one hand yeared that he can continue to train. The birds in these photos were very friendly and well behaved. The green one wanted to kiss me.
i love my birdies!
Tilden — I knew you’d like this post!
They are so beautiful and vibrant in color! I have a Florida friend who has a Makaw and a Cockatoo. They live for a very long time! The photo of you and Amoeba is one for the wall, don’t you think?
.-= Church Lady´s last blog ..One Lovely Blog =-.
Church Lady — Amoeba and I have another photo which I didn’t post, that shows us holding the birds and facing one another. We kept it as special for us.
What gorgeous colors! And they’re so BIG!
I might be mistaken, but I think this is the first photo I have seen of you and Amoeba together. Very nice!
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Laudable Linkage =-.
Barbara — there are very few photos of Amoeba and I together. That’s because one or the other of us usually has the camera!
Wow! WOW!
I’m late (again) but so glad I scrolled down. Fabulous shots and I it is great to see you two together! What a handsome couple you make. ;0)
Those birds are the most beautiful colours. Isn’t God just so magnificent in his creations?
Thanks for sharing this.
.-= Thumbelina´s last blog ..authorblog’s Sunday Roast =-.
Thumbelina — our God is an awesome God! And Amoeba and I thank you.
Bird ladies and their birds must eat. I love the pictures of you, Amoeba and friends.
.-= Nessa´s last blog ..Bookreview #2 – Fool =-.
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