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And the Winner Is ….


This has been quite the summer for me.  I won almost every contest I entered.  Right now I am wishing I’d have bought a lottery ticket!

Let me show you my loot and offer my thank yous ….

From Drew at, I received this nifty water bottle.  It has his brand new logo on it which I think is way cool.


Thank you, Drew. Every time I drink from it I will think of you — and so will anybody else within sight.  ;).


From Susan at StonyRiver, I received these three books and this really cool card. Apparently in Europe female readers still like the “men are beasts and women are wimps” romances. No wonder Susan doesn’t like to read them!

Now, about the really cool card:

She loved it.

He spent about an hour analyzing it. “I think it’s the pool cues,” He said.

She, looking up from the book, which she’d started reading in the middle. “Huh?”

He explains, “The tower. You know, ‘Abbott says the billiard table has to go?’  I think it is because of the pool cues.”

She, still confused. “What pool cues? Where?”

He points at the card on the table in front of her. “The billiards table,” he says as though she’s the one not making sense.  “I think when they line up their shots they must punch out the bricks with their pool cu–.    Why are you looking at me like that?”

Thank you, Susan, you sent giggles and joy from your mailbox to mine.


And from Linda from Mocha With Linda — I already have the preface and part of the first chapter read.  This won’t be a fast read, but I think it will be a valuable one.


Thank you, Linda. I will read and study prayerfully and in thanksgiving for your generosity and testimony to the good in the world.


  1. Congratulations on your well-deserved swag. I notice the authors’ names “Lucy Gordon” and “Penny Jordan.” I bet those are the same guy.
    .-= Doug´s last blog ..Woman =-.

    1. Doug — those two authors (their names at least) have been around since I was a teen. I suspect that many people pen those stories.

  2. LOL Wow, what a haul!

    I like Ben’s logo too, and Amoeba’s cue theory. Good for you for giving these things a go at least — I can’t get past their titles. “The Greek Billionaire Bad Boy’s Secret Virgin Mistress” etc. Pah-YUKE!

    Write us a better one Quilly! When you’re offering signed copies, I’ll enter for *that* draw, definitely.
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Friday Flash 55: Watch out! =-.

  3. Wow!! You sure are lucky! Congrats on all the wins. I really think you should have bought a lottery ticket!
    .-= Betty´s last blog ..Rain! =-.

    1. Betty — yeah, but it might have been easier if our state actually had lottery tickets to buy. And being in Hawaii, it’s not like I can just pop across the border …..

  4. Wow, Quilly! That must have been fun anticipating what would be in your mailbox all summer. Congrats! (Yes, I have a new blog and it’s here to stay.)
    .-= gel´s last blog ..Wanderlust =-.

  5. Congratulations! I didn’t realize Hawaii didn’t have a lottery. I really dislike them — the way they mask their true intent by wrapping it up in “helping our schools.” But then I really dislike deceit of any kind. Working on loving the sinner but hating the sin. I guess I need to read the Alcorn book too…

    Those cheeseburgers look awesome! Did you ever go to In & Out Burger in Vegas? Yummm…it’s probably a good thing we don’t have anything that great around here. I’d have to be at gym a LOT more often than I am!
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..Three Word Thursday =-.

    1. Kelley — yeah, I don’t buy lottery tickets even when I’m in a state that has them. And the 10 years I was in Vegas, I bet I spent less than $100.00 total on gambling. It just so isn’t worth it.

      And yes, I went to and very much enjoyed In & Out Burger, but they can’t hold a candle to Cheese Burger in Paradise or The Shack — which is where we’re headed for lunch!

    1. Karen — actually I still have two outstanding prizes! If I win at Dr. John’s, too, people might start acting ugly ….

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