Random Dozen 10.20.09
1. Candy corn: Your thoughts?
Very colorful and tasty wax.
2. Briefly, what was the first conversation you ever had with your spouse? (or best friend, if you’re not married.) (Or someone significant, like your librarian.)
Amoeba and I met online. He defended a stance I took on public education, then emailed me an apology for stepping on my toes; at the same time I emailed him a thank you letter for supporting me so eloquently.
3. Could you ever become a vegetarian?
Highly unlikely. Â If I have to go too long without beef, I chase cows in the field and try to bite them.
4. Have you ever dressed up your pet in a costume?
The cat, when I was a kid. I enjoyed it more than Stripes seemed to.
5. Name something about childhood that you miss (like Clark Bars, Teaberry Gum, Malibu Barbie, cracking fake eggs on people’s heads with your fist and “It’s the Great Pumpkin” airing only once a year).
Dewy-soft skin, naturally blond hair, and knees that don’t creak!
6. Have you ever won a trophy? If not, what do you deserve a trophy for?
Yes, one year I received a  Most Improved trophy — which means I was still a loser. However, in the 8th grade I wrote the school song for our brand new school and they still sing it today, 37 years later.
7. When do you think is the appropriate time to begin playing Christmas music each year?
I’d just as soon every one wait for at least a couple days after Thanksgiving.
8. What’s your favorite board game?
9. How do you feel about surprises (receiving, not giving)?
Happy ones I like. Unhappy ones (like dead cars in the middle of the road) I could do without.
10. Is it easy for you to say, “I’m sorry?”
Yes. Saying “I’m sorry” is much less stressful then the guilt of pretending nothing is wrong.
11. What is your favorite candle scent?
12. October is traditionally “open house” time in public schools. If you had a literal open house in your home (like a reception) what light snacks would you serve visitors and what would you show them (as in art projects, graded papers) that would uniquely represent you?
No Trick Pumpkin Treats and my photography.
#3 ahahahahahahaa cracking me up!
#5 AMEN!
#6 Impressive!! Wow!!! Youtube it for us!! 🙂
I’m with you on the surprises!! No bad ones, no sad ones, I would not like them in a call, I do not like them at all.
#6 — Rachele — I actually don’t remember the song. I only know they still sing it because I ran into somebody who remembered my step-brothers. The lady just retired from teaching at the school and she told me they still sing my song. The lady really impressed me because I had no recollection of her whatsoever, and she knew me even though we crossed paths several hundred miles and a couple dozen years down the road!
OH – HOW – COOL your blog converts the smiley faces!!!!! wow 🙂 😉
Rachele — most WordPress software blogs do. There’s a little place on our dashboard that enables smileys.
Why is it I’ve never smelled a vanilla candle? hmmm I gotta rectify that situation. Saying your sorry is well one of the best things you can do I think 🙂
Thom — visit the candle isle and read the labels. I am certain that at least one will be vanilla.
I love these Q&As, Quilly, especially #6… I’m impressed! WTG!
Alice — thank you!
You know, they make beef-flavored candles.
Doug — weird. Who eats candles?
So succinct and yet so wildly funny. How do you do it??
#s 2 & 4 cracked me up.
I am just in awe of the school song thing. Where can we hear this?
Linda — dry, sarcastic, droll … these are just some of the words used to describe my humor. Add honest to that and you have me.
And you can’t hear the school song. I don’t know how to go about retrieving it. I only know they still sing it because I ran into somebody who remembered my step-brothers. The lady just retired from teaching at the school and she told me they still sing my song. The lady really impressed me because I had no recollection of her whatsoever, and she knew me even though we crossed paths several hundred miles and a couple dozen years down the road!
What is it about little girls that we loved dressing our animals up more than they loved being dressed?
Love the cow chasing comment. You’re always so funny and so real.
And if we could only choose our surprises…guess that wouldn’t work though.
Kelley — I rarely get good surprises. I usually see them coming. I still enjoy them, though and act surprised.
Ah, I love vanilla scent as well. You and Amoeba met online. WOW!
Oh, I know how you can obtain teaberry gum.
Love your humor about not being able to become a vegetarian.
Oh, be sure to read my replies to your questions in my comment thread. 😀
Gel — oh, a comment answerer! Goody!
These were good answers, Chasing the cows comment made me laugh. Cinnamon Scented Candles about the only ones that I can remember liking. I don’t think I ever smelled Vanilla Scented Candles.
Bill — Vanilla scented candles smell like sugar cookies. yum!
I will have to seek and smell
#3 – Amen, sister!
#6 – Wow, that is so school! I mean cool! (I really am impressed!)
#8 – I love backgammon too
#11 – I was torn between my answer and vanilla.
Oh, and sure I’ll come do your open house food! Just send me the plane ticket! LOL
Linda — if I send you the plane ticket, there won’t be any food to cook! 🙁
chasing cows………very funny mental image!!!
I love backgammon. I was just trying to teach it to one of my kids in children’s church Sunday!
Sara — I have a backgammon game on my cell phone. I play it whenever I end up waiting for Amoeba any length of time.
I love all your answers, but writing the school song at that age? HOLY CRAP!! That really is the coolest thing, I love it. Backgammon is in my top three games but I haven’t played in years; nobody to play with. Maybe tonight I’ll dust it off and see if my son’s willing to learn it–he’s nine now after all, and I can’t resist any excuse to spend time together, just us two.
Thanks Quilly!
Susan — they had a contest. All the 8th graders were invited to enter. I won. The Governor, Cecil D. Andrus, came to dedicate the school. He gave a me a plaque. I have no idea whatever happened to it.
Your answer to #5 was absolutely perfect!
Mama Zen — I thought it might resonate with others. 😉
Yep! Looks like we’re ALL in awe of the school song thing! THAT is impressive Quilly! It just plain IS!
YOU have the open house – k? I’ll bring some food! Those pumpkin treats look sp00ktacular 🙂 but I don’t think 24 bars will be enough!
Melli — I will be planning a good bye bbq at some point and gathering my local friends for a last round of fun and belly laughs. You’re welcome to join us.
Ugh! WOULD that I could… 🙁
I love my vanilla scented candle! whenever we walk upstairs it always smells like I’m baking something in the oven
Michelle — yeah, that’s why I love vanilla candles, too!
is there a trophy for laziness? no? oh well…
but i agree, that song thing is special. and the cow chasing image… priceless!
Polona — someone somewhere has received a trophy for laziness, I’m sure. I’m glad my answers entertained you.
I wish the link had a photo of those pumpkin treats — they sound good. And a showing of your photography would be fun.
Love your succinct humorous answers, especially #3. 4, and 5.
I used to wait a long time to deal with issues between myself and others but found what you said in #10 so true.
Batbara — the only photo I ever took of the Pumpkin Treats didn’t come out well at all. I’m glad my answers entertained you — and #10 I, too, learned the hard way.
So your #2 sounds like a movie…very romantic!
#6-wow, very cool!
I really enjoyed your answers…have a great day…Joyce
Joyce — our courtship does sound very romantic. Whenever we tell the story, people sigh.
I could never be a vegetarian. as soon as i’m not allowed to have something, I want it.
Wordless Wednesday – King of the Field
Nessa — oh yeah, I know how that works!
please tell me what pumpkin pie mix is!
Tilden — Pumpkin Pie Mix
LOL to the vegetarian question. And I also miss those lovely things from childhood.
Susanne — today I miss the knees more than ever!
#1 – LOVE candy corn. I could eat a whole bag.
#2 – Did not know that about you and Amoeba.
#6 – Great accomplishment!!
Bad blogger, me! *hits herself on he head*
I’ve read your post, but forgot to comment again!!
Vanilla is a favorite scent for me too. I think we could go bite cows together, I would not be much of a vegetarian myself!
Great answers Quilly. I especially like #3 & #5!
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